National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Seminar for College and University Teachers
The Irish Sea Cultural Province:
Crossroads of Medieval Literature and Languages
Belfast, Northern Ireland -- Douglas, Isle of Man -- Glasgow, Scotland
June 8-July 12, 2015
We are very excited about this project and very much look
forward to bringing together college and university teachers from across
the United States and from diverse disciplines and subject areas to explore Medieval language,
literature, and culture via texts and artifacts on the Isle of Man and in Glasgow, Scotland.
The purpose of this four-week seminar is to provide participants with an enriched appreciation
for the multicultural reality of the British Isles and Ireland (the Irish Sea cultural province) in the Middle Ages.
While early British literature and culture is sometimes thought to be exclusively Anglo-Saxon, in fact,
Britain was rich in cultural and linguistic diversity. In this seminar we will survey the extent and
the significance of this linguistic, cultural, and physical multiplicity as we investigate the conflict
and resolution which characterized the relation between Briton, Saxon, Gaelic, Norse, and Latinate culture.
We very much look forward to an exciting and enriching seminar, and hope that you will consider applying to join us.
For further information contact Professor Charles MacQuarrie at