Institutional Research Planning and Assessment
Public Dashboards

Search detailed information on Student Enrollment, Degrees Awarded, Graduation and Retention rates, and more.

Search detailed information on Faculty Types, Headcounts, Assignments, Courses, and more.

Search detailed information on Staff, Employee type, Ethnicity, Sex, and Underrepresented status.
Internal Dashboards
Restricted to CSUB faculty and staff. View detailed information on students, staff, and faculty. Requires CSUB login.
CSUB Fast Facts

The fast facts provide an overview of California State University, Bakersfield and reflect commonly-requested facts and figures about the institution. They are updated annually by the Office of Institutional Research, Planning and Assessment by using official census data for the most current fall term.
IRPA Services
The information and resources in the Assessment section are intended to support the assessment of student learning at California State University, Bakersfield.
The survey section provides internal and external student-centered surveys, including Graduation Student Survey (GSS), National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE), Beginning College Survey of Student Engagement (BCSSE). Search surveys.
Institution Data Request
Have a data request for IRPA? Use this link to send us a request. All submissions will be reviewed by an Institutional Research representative.
Search various institutional data resources, including department dashboards and more.