California State University Bakersfield
Welcome to the webpage of
Dr. Anna L. Jacobsen
Plant Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Plant Structure-Function
Contact Information:
Department of Biology
California State University Bakersfield
61 SCI
9001 Stockdale Highway
Bakersfield, CA 93311
Lab Members and Research Projects
Brief professional biography:
Dr. Anna L. Jacobsen completed her undergraduate studies as a Regents' Scholar at Pepperdine University in Malibu, CA where she conducted research on chaparral shrub anatomy and hydraulic function in the laboratory of Dr. Stephen D. Davis and was awarded a Pennsylvania State James A. Finnegan Fellowship in 2001. She graduated from Pepperdine University in 2003 with a B. S. Biology with honors. In 2003 she was selected as a participant in the Fulbright U.S. Student Program and she spent 2004 living and conducting research in South Africa at Stellenbosch University as a Fulbright Scholar. Upon returning to the States, she entered graduate school in the Department of Plant Biology at Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI in the laboratory of Dr. Frank W. Ewers. Her graduate studies were supported by a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (NSF-GRF) (2004-2007) and a National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant (NSF-DDIG; Division of Environmental Biology DEB-0710020) (2007-2008). Dr. Jacobsen completed a dual Ph. D. in Plant Biology and Ecology, Evolutionary Biology, & Behavior (EEBB) in 2008. She was a post-doctoral researcher on a grant funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation at California State University, Bakersfield (2008-2010). In 2010, she was hired as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biology at California State University, Bakersfield where she has developed an active research program investigating plant hydraulic structure-function. She was awarded a prestigious National Science Foundation CAREER award in 2013 (NSF-CAREER; Division of Integrative Organismal Systems IOS-1252232) (2013-2019) and was a member of the CSUB Center for Research in Excellence in Science and Technology (NSF-HRD CREST 1547784; 2016-2021). Dr. Jacobsen was promoted to Associate Professor in 2014 and to Professor in 2018. She has published numerous scholarly articles in her areas of expertise (list of selected publications). She is currently the Director of the CSUB Title Vb STEM Graduate Excellence program (U.S. Department of Education; 2019-2025; CSUB Title Vb).
Recipient of the CSUB Millie Ablin Excellence in Teaching Award 2024-2025: The Millie Ablin Excellence in Teaching Award was established to recognize excellence in teaching. Each year, one distinguished faculty member at CSUB is honored for the contributions made to their students, to their academic disciplines, and to their campus communities.
"Science students are most prepared for success through direct engagement with the topics, questions, and resources at the leading edge of scientific discovery, as routinely demonstrated in the teaching of Dr. Anna L. Jacobsen, Professor of Biology. Across the undergraduate to graduate levels and for both majors and general education courses, Dr. Jacobsen imbeds up-to-date content, cutting-edge methodologies, and research-grade equipment to provide students with high-impact course-based research experiences. These efforts have created a legacy of successes for her students in terms of academics, career advancement, publications, and grants. A remarkable facilitator of student learning success and long-term flourishing, Dr. Anna L. Jacobsen is the recipient of the 2024 Millie Ablin Excellence in Teaching Award."
Recipient of the CSUB Leadership and Service Award 2021-2022: The Faculty Leadership and Service Award recognizes one faculty member each year for their outstanding contributions to the principle and practice of shared governance and service to the community.
"Dr. Anna L. Jacobsen, Professor of Biology, is an exemplary scholar, teacher, and university citizen. Dr. Jacobsen has served on many university committees and boards. In particular, she is recognized for her leadership and service as a member of the Academic Senate, Faculty Affairs Committee, and CSUB Foundation Board, where she has been a strong voice for faculty in university decision-making and a champion of the university in the larger community. She also has an outstanding scholarship record and, as a research mentor and Biology Graduate Program Director, has inspired and empowered students to strive for excellence in their studies in the biological sciences. She is currently serving as co-Director for the CSUB Title Vb program to support graduate program excellence in the sciences."
Recipient of the CSUB Faculty Scholarship and Creativity Award 2018-2019: The Faculty Scholarship & Creative Activity award was established in by the Academic Senate of California State University, Bakersfield and the CSUB Foundation in order to recognize and encourage outstanding contributions to the principle and practice of research and creative activity. One faculty member is selected each year for this award.
"Dr. Anna Jacobsen was the recipient of the Faculty Scholarship and Creativity Award, 2018-2019. Her core research focuses on plant vascular structure and function. This is an integrative and interdisciplinary field requiring her to be an expert in microscopy, plant anatomy, evolution, and plant physiology. She uses a comparative community approach to test long standing questions in plant evolution and ecology, with a focus on California native plants. Dr. Jacobsen has also studied key crop plants like grapevine and olive, examining their vascular function in the context of irrigation, productivity, and pathogens. Dr. Jacobsen has developed and maintained a highly active and successful research program. She has produced many peer-reviewed publications, been funded by outside agencies, and provided numerous opportunities for student involvement in and exposure to scientific research."
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