::The Phim School:: |
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The Phim Project Disk One: Ancients and Moderns
Background The Phim School is located in Kimilili, a rural village in the Bungoma District in the Western Province of Kenya. It is approximately 400 km to the west of Nairobi City and is home to approximately 40,000 people, 60 percent being school aged children. With the ongoing difficulties in Kenya, the Phim School is one of the Western region's main avenues of support for children in the area. It serves both as a nursery and K through 8th grade. In 2001, the Phim school passed the Kenyan government's Primary School Level National Examinations for the first time since its beginning in 1990. Despite its recent achievements, there is much work to be done. How can I help? The goal of The Phim Project is to provide four primary provisions:
Want to help? Contact The Restorative Justice Center at 909.946.6092. Organizations and People Involved