C4K-Computers for Knowledge
A Cooperative Project of CSUB and the Bakersfield Community
Student and his computer
(edit 4/26/12 9:51pm jlr)
Bus Schedule for Student Pickup
Word Format   Google Docs Format
C4K Students

Student Recruiters

(applications, etc)

C4K Supporters

C4K Committee

Information about C4K:

"Bridging the Divide" By: Linda Fiddler Bakersfield.com
Orientation to C4K: Presented at Kern CUE Conference 11/13/10

Bike Safety made by C4KMovie class  Spring 2012

Contact Number

The Vision:
Improve the chances of success for deserving economically disadvantaged middle school students in the BCSD through
building motivation in a fun, active learning program, teaching life skills and computer literacy. 

 The C4K programs goals are to entertain and educate students about life, career and educational skills and opportunities in conjunction with developing basic computer knowledge through fun active learning opportunities.

Goals of Computers for knowledge include:

 (1) Development of career goals and life skills necessary to achieve those goals: 

  1. Developing and  prioritizing life/career goals through discovering career options and requirements,
  2. Recognizing paths to success (finishing high school and obtaining a college education), identifying possible problems in achieving life/career goals and developing solutions
  3. Investigating skills and knowledge needed to acquire their life goals and determine costs, and educational programs to achieve their life and career goals
  4. Becoming aware of and developing time management skills
  5. Developing financial management skills through determining a personal and college student budget

(2) Academic guidance: requirements and timing for completion of a-g high school graduation requirements and college acceptance

(3) Informing about career choice: Available career opportunities, why college, how to pay for college

(4)  Develop knowledge and skills in health and nutrition for maintaining a healthy body to enable achievement of life and career goals. These include healthy diets, food label reading, healthy weight (BMI) and physical conditioning

(5) Develop basic information competence with computer experience,  

·        Information Competence skills including web search skills and critical evaluation of source credibility  

·        Web privacy and protection, legal and ethical issues

·        Applications dependant on facilities and time.  Possibilities:

Web 2.0 skills; social networks, twitter, blogs

email ,
Organizing ideas with document, presentation, and spreadsheets

Digital Photo creation and editing
Audio Creation and Editing,
Web Page Development, and
Movie Creation and Editing