C4K Volunteers
(edit 4/22/12  5:06pm jlr)

For each day you attend C4K
Volunteer Daily Sign-in

We appreciate your help with the Computers for Knowledge program.. We will make information on curriculum, schedule, etc. available at this site as it is developed.

To volunteer to help with the C4K program please do the following: 
(1) Get a gmail account if you do not have one.  Just go to Google, click Gmail at the top of the page, click Create an Account at the top of the next page and follow the steps.

(2) Click on this Google link let us know how we can contact you and how you would like to help with the C4K program.

Volunteer Contact Info

(3) You will recieve an email with links to C4K documents listed below--note this email is not automated and may take a few days.  You will then be able to view:. 

Information for Volunteers
Class Schedule

Student Daily Class Info

(4)  If you are
a Non CSUB employees who is volunteering for the C4K program print and complete this form and give to Jesse Quintanilla (Chair C4K Committee) when you come to volunteer.

VolunteerWaiver Form

(5) If you are in the COUNSELING INTERNSHIP program please print and fill out the Cooperative Agreement (turn in to Jesse Quintanilla and upon completion of your effforts with C4K the Intern Directory

Cooperative Agreement

Intern directory

--Thanks for your interest in helping with the C4K program--