Courses Taught

Bio 2010 (Introductory Biology - Cells): Cell structure and function of prokaryotes and eukaryotes with emphasis on molecular aspects will be the focus in lecture. The lab includes the teaching and application of basic lab skills (lecture and laboratory).

Bio 2230 (Microbiology): Physio-chemical organization and function of microorganisms including bacterial, viral, and eukaryotic pathogens. Concepts of pathogenic microbiology are emphasized in both lecture and laboratory. Identification of unknown bacterial pathogens based on physiological tests (lecture and laboratory).

Bio 3410 (General Microbiology): A comprehensive overview of the biology of microorganisms. Topics include microbial cell structure and function, physiology, metabolism, genetics, diversity, and ecology. Applied aspects of microbiology are also covered such as biotechnology, the role of microorganisms in environmental processes, food, and medical microbiology. Laboratory emphasizes methods in bacteriology, microbial diversity, and a research project (lecture and laboratory).

Bio 4350 (Environmental Microbiology): Microorganisms and their roles in biogeochemical cycling, biocontrol and bioremediation. Furthermore, the diversity of Archaea in desert soils, isolation of antibiotic producing Streptomyces, and the detection of Batrachocytrium dendrobatidis in freshwater samples from the Southern San Joaquin Valley will be the main foci (lecture and laboratory).

Bio 4200 (Medical Microbiology): Isolation and identification procedures and the clinical significance of medically important microorganisms (mainly bacteria). Key points of these organisms' epidemiology, and pathogenic mechanisms will be discussed. Skills concerning the isolation and identification of medically important bacteria is emphasized in laboratory using clinical case studies (lecture and laboratory).

Bio 4918 (Senior Seminar): Graduate students learn how to present scientific papers/projects/topics in a professional way and also improve their skills in designing a research poster that could be used for a scientific meeting/conference.

Bio 4700 (Current Topics in Microbiology): Graduate students discuss special research topics in microbiology based on peer-reviewed articles and work on a research project.