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Mexica Tiahui Ballet Folklórico
CSUB Mexica Tiahui

Mexica Tiahui Ballet Folklórico

Sponsorship Personnel Larisa
Larisa Leon,
Sponsorship Personnel

Sponsorship Personnel Larisa-
Hello, my name is Larisa Leon. I started dancing Folklórico in 1999 when I was a freshman at CSUB. I joined folklórico mainly because I like to dance and learning folkloric dances always interested me. I wanted to twirl my skirt and do the fancy steps that the girls on television would do. I also wanted to learn the history of each region and dance.

I have been dancing for almost 7 years and I love it. Even though we dance the same regions, I don't get bored. The regions that I know by heart are Guererro- Tierra Caliente, Baja California, Nuevo Leon, Sinaloa, Veracruz Tropical, and Veracruz Tradicional. The other regions that I know, but need clean up, are Durango, Yucatan, Nayarit, Guerrero-Costa Chica, Tabasco, Sonora Bronco and Jalisco.