President's Associates

2024-2025 Campaign

President's Associates

2024-2025 Campaign

Supporting Student Research Scholars

Student Name Project Title Faculty Mentor Department
Dayana Aguilar Optimizing Synthesis of Quinones for Redox Flow Batteries and Energy Storage Dr. Jesse Bergkamp Chemistry
Andrew Alba Invasive effects of Ailanthus altissima on macroinvertebrate communities and freshwater habitats Dr. Rae McNeish Biology
Mitchell Alvarado Refining Undergraduate Student Self-Assessment Criteria of Successful Proof Writing Dr. Aubrey Kemp Mathematics
Karla Avina Development of a Green Reaction Approach: One-Pot Synthesis of Isoxazolines in Aqueous Media Dr. Danielle Solano Chemistry and Biochemistry
Kira Beaudin Existential Harms of Mandatory Overtime for Blue Collar Workers in Tehachapi, California Dr. Senem Saner Philosophy
Jasmine Benavides Effects of Personal Physical Fitness Levels on the efficacy of Remote Ischemic Preconditioning on Cardiovascular Health Dr. Jahyun Kim Kinesiology
Joey Bernard From Pollution to Action: Unraveling the Impact of Air Quality on Employee Environmental Behavior and Retention in the San Joaquin Valley Dr. Sunjin Pak Human Resources
Presleigh Beshirs Acceptability and Accessibility of Street Medicine Services vs. Traditional Healthcare Services Dr. Ashleigh Herrera Social Work
Alexandra Brown Microplastic seasonal variation in coastal shellfish and sediments linked with estuary protection status and watershed anthropogenic development Dr. Rae McNeish Biology
Rachel Budge Do Rocket Launches Influence the Nesting Ecology of Western Snowy Plovers (Charadrius nivosus nivosus) and California Least Terns (Sterna antillarum browni)? Dr. Lucas Hall Biology
Kristyn Delamar Investigations on the effects of predator cues on the unken reflex in Taricha granulosa Dr. Amber Stokes Biology
Gurnaaz Deol Ofloxacin Degradation Dr. Hanoz Santoke Chemistry
Jade Dominguez Microplastic pollution in fish that are reared under aquarium conditions Dr. Rae McNeish Biology
Lhea Kathlyn Mae Domondon Vessel arrangement within the vascular network and tree height Dr. Anna Jacobsen Biology
Kenya Espinoza Synthesis of Potential Inhibitors for Lysyl Oxidse (LOX) Dr. Danielle Solano Chemistry and Biochemistry
Karnig Estenssoro A Comparative Study of the Effects of Artificial Light on San Joaquin Kit Foxes in Urban and Non-Urban Areas Dr. Lucas Hall Biology
Zachary Federici CEO Regulatory Focus and Firm Performance: A Meta-Analysis Dr. Sunjin Pak Management and Marketing
Elda Felix Miranda Braceros in Kern County: Stories of Exploitation Dr. Kate Mulry History
Sonia Gomez The Middle Class Refund Dr. Richard Ryan Economics
Paulette Hacopian Exploring Perceptions of Accommodations Among College Students With Disabilities Dr. Juterh Nmah DPEL: Doctoral Program in Educational Leadership
Niki Hallmark A systematic review of sexual health programs among adolescents Dr. Andrea Lopez Public Health
Rachel Howe The Mystery of Macrobdella decora Dr. Amber Stokes Biology
Winnie Huang Are personality traits associated with avoidance of seeking health care among adult populations living in Kern and San Francisco counties? Dr. Heidi McLaughlin and Dr. Linh Bui Psychology
Donald Hudson Determining the role of A-factor in the bacterium Rhodococcus fascians D188 Dr. Isolde Francis Biology
Liliana Ibarra Cazas Testimonios: Experiencia Universitaria Latina Judd Johnson Social Sciences and Education
Jennifer Kobee Extraction and Quantification of Heavy Metals in Soil Samples using Magnetic Nanoparticles Dr. Lance Talbert Chemistry and Biochemistry
Gisel Larios Norethisterone Derivitive Dr. Danielle Solano Chemistry
Brooklyn Macross Determining Potential for Long-Term Carbon Sequestration through Carbon Mineralization within Mine Tailings of the Mojave Desert, California Dr. Katie O'Sullivan Geology
Gabriel Moore Kern County's Chinese Customs: The Development and Stereotyping of Chinese Cultural and Spiritual Practices, 1857-1956 Dr. John Chen History
Ainsley Nommensen Exercise Behavior in College Students: A Mixed-Method Study Dr. Zachary Zenko Kinesiology
Jesse Okoli Remote Ischemic Preconditioning effects on Muscular Strength and Endurance in Young Adults Dr. Jahyun Kim Kinesiology
Francisco Ortega Identification of mycorrhizal species in symbiosis with locally grown carrots Dr. Isolde Francis Biology
Marcos Ramirez Vessel diameter in woody angiosperm trees and shrubs Dr. Anna Jacobsen Biology
Brookelynn Reed Effects of High Fat Diet on Reward Maximization Utilizing a Sequential Patch Depletion Paradigm in Rats Dr. Amy Gancarz Psychology
David Rivas Optimal Degradation of Ofloxacin in Various Conditions and Byproducts Dr. Hanoz Santoke Chemistry
Juan Rodriguez How present is ChatGPT at CSUB? Dr. Anjana Yatawara Math
Erick Rodriguez CA Proposition 28 Policy Recommendation: Arts Education Program Development Support for Public Schools Belinda Vieyra Social Work
Abigail Sanchez Developing a butterfly garden at CSUB to support the Monarch butterfly and other insects Dr. Antje Lauer Agriculture Business
Carmen Tomshack Moksha in Medicine: Illuminating the Sources and Capacities of Concepts in Mindfulness Based Therapy Dr. Joseph Florez Religious Studies
Jonathan Valencia Geosmin Synthesis Dr. Danielle Solano Chemistry and Biochemistry
See All Research Projects

A Message from University President Lynnette Zelezny

14% OF $150,000 GOAL


President Zelezny

Dear Friends of CSUB,

As the beacon of learning, scholarship and innovation in a region that prizes ingenuity, California State University, Bakersfield is at the dawn of a new age of discovery, thanks to our robust research program that grows in scope and ambition every year.

The engine that propels our research forward is the President's Associates, the most enduring group of supporters in the history of this university.

Please join me as a President's Associate so that we may broaden this vital program for the benefit of our region and the students who will carry their research forward, long after graduation from CSUB.

Our research teams are exploring solutions to pollution along the Kern River, the challenges of protecting endangered species, reducing sulfur in fossil fuels and an array of projects aimed at enhancing health, quality of life, economic prosperity and more.

The solutions-based research that is bringing attention and distinction to our region needs a champion like you. The Student Research Scholars Program relies entirely upon support from the President's Associates to function, grow and flourish.

This year, these valued friends of CSUB are supporting 32 student research scholars, and we would like to see that number grow, expanding opportunity for our top students and progress through research for our region.

Thank you for your support of our students and your belief that the path to health, prosperity and opportunity for our region is through discovery and innovation. I look forward to welcoming you to the President's Associates circle.


Lynnette Zelezny, Ph.D., MBA


"To our hero...
President Emerita Lynnette and Mr. John Zelezny
...thank you for your support!"



Dayana Aguilar

Dayana Aguilar

College of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Engineering

Andrew Alba

Andrew Alba

College of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Engineering

Mitchell Alvarado

Mitchell Alvarado

College of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Engineering

Karla Avina

Karla Avina

College of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Engineering

Kira Beaudin

Kira Beaudin

College of Arts and Humanities

Jasmine Benavides

Jasmine Benavides

College of Social Sciences and Education

Joey Bernard

Joey Bernard

College of Business and Public Administration

Presleigh Beshirs

Presleigh Beshirs

College of Social Sciences and Education

Alexandra Brown

Alexandra Brown

College of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Engineering

Rachel Budge

Rachel Budge

College of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Engineering

Kristyn Delamar

Kristyn Delamar

College of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Engineering

Gurnaaz Deol

Gurnaaz Deol

College of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Engineering

Jade Dominguez

Jade Dominguez

College of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Engineering

Lhea Kathlyn Mae Domondon

Lhea Kathlyn Mae Domondon

College of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Engineering

Kenya Espinoza

Kenya Espinoza

College of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Engineering

Karnig Estenssoro

Karnig Estenssoro

College of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Engineering

Zachary Federici

Zachary Federici

College of Business and Public Administration

Elda Felix Miranda

Elda Felix Miranda

College of Arts and Humanities

Sonia Gomez

Sonia Gomez

College of Business and Public Administration

Paulette Hacopian

Paulette Hacopian

College of Social Sciences and Education

Niki Hallmark

Niki Hallmark

College of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Engineering

Rachel Howe

Rachel Howe

College of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Engineering

Winnie Huang

Winnie Huang

College of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Engineering

Donald Hudson

Donald Hudson

College of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Engineering

Liliana Ibarra Cazas

Liliana Ibarra Cazas

College of Social Sciences and Education

Jennifer Kobee

Jennifer Kobee

College of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Engineering

Gisel Larios

Gisel Larios

College of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Engineering

Brooklyn Macross

Brooklyn Macross

College of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Engineering

Gabriel Moore

Gabriel Moore

College of Arts and Humanities

Ainsley Nommensen

Ainsley Nommensen

College of Social Sciences and Education

Jesse Okoli

Jesse Okoli

College of Social Sciences and Education

Francisco Ortega

Francisco Ortega

College of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Engineering

Marcos Ramirez

Marcos Ramirez

College of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Engineering

Brookelynn Reed

Brookelynn Reed

College of Social Sciences and Education

David Rivas

David Rivas

College of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Engineering

Juan Rodriguez

Juan Rodriguez

College of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Engineering

Erick Rodriguez

Erick Rodriguez

College of Social Sciences and Education

Abigail Sanchez

Abigail Sanchez

College of Business and Public Administration

Carmen Tomshack

Carmen Tomshack

College of Arts and Humanities

Jonathan Valencia

Jonathan Valencia

College of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Engineering

Meet Our Faculty Mentors

Dr. Jesse Bergkamp

Dr. Jesse Bergkamp

College of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Engineering

Dr. Linh Bui

Dr. Linh Bui

College of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Engineering

Dr. John Chen

Dr. John Chen

College of Arts and Humanities

Dr. Joseph Florez

Dr. Joseph Florez

College of Arts and Humanities

Dr. Isolde Francis

Dr. Isolde Francis

College of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Engineering

Dr. Amy Gancarz

Dr. Amy Gancarz

College of Social Sciences and Education

Dr. Lucas Hall

Dr. Lucas Hall

College of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Engineering

Dr. Ashleigh Herrera

Dr. Ashleigh Herrera

College of Social Sciences and Education

Dr. Anna Jacobsen

Dr. Anna Jacobsen

College of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Engineering

CSUB shield

Judd Johnson

College of Arts and Humanities

Dr. Aubrey Kemp

Dr. Aubrey Kemp

College of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Engineering

Dr. Jahyun Kim

Dr. Jahyun Kim

College of Social Sciences and Education

Dr. Antje Lauer

Dr. Antje Lauer

College of Business and Public Administration

Dr. Andrea Lopez

Dr. Andrea Lopez

College of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Engineering

Dr. Heidi McLaughlin

Dr. Heidi McLaughlin

College of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Engineering

Dr. Rae McNeish

Dr. Rae McNeish

College of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Engineering

CSUB shield

Dr. Kate Mulry

College of Arts and Humanities

Dr. Juterh Nmah

Dr. Juterh Nmah

College of Social Sciences and Education

CSUB shield

Dr. Katie O'Sullivan

College of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Engineering

Dr. Sunjin Pak

Dr. Sunjin Pak

College of Business and Public Administration

CSUB shield

Dr. Richard Ryan

College of Business and Public Administration

CSUB shield

Dr. Senem Saner

College of Arts and Humanities

Dr. Hanoz Santoke

Dr. Hanoz Santoke

College of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Engineering

Dr. Danielle Solano

Dr. Danielle Solano

College of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Engineering

Dr. Amber Stokes

Dr. Amber Stokes

College of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Engineering

Dr. Lance Talbert

Dr. Lance Talbert

College of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Engineering

CSUB shield

Belinda Vieyra

College of Social Sciences and Education

Dr. Anjana Yatawara

Dr. Anjana Yatawara

College of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Engineering

Dr. Zachary Zenko

Dr. Zachary Zenko

College of Social Sciences and Education


The President's Associates Dinner was held on Tuesday, April 23, 2024. In case you missed the event, check out the event program (PDF).

Contact Us

The Office of University Advancement would like to hear from you. Feel free to leave us any suggestions or feedback. Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*). For more information, contact:

Eric Weis

Eric Weis
Director of Annual Giving and Stewardship
 (661) 654-3537