Fall 2003
MATH 140
Elementary Statistics
Section 3 |
Section 7 |
Lecture times |
11-12:20 MWF / DDH 103E |
3:30-5:55 MR / DDH 105H |
Lab |
10:30-12:55 T / WSL 005 |
3:30-5:55 T / WSL 005 |
Course Outline
Summary of lectures (Seq 3 - 11-12:20MWF)
Summary of lectures (Seq 7 - 3:30-5:55MR)
The Math Tutoring
Updated grades (November 19): Section 3
and Section 7
Final Exam -- Nov 24, Monday, WSL 005 (Section 3 -- 11-1:30,
Section 7 -- 5-7:30)
Exam Cheat Sheet Regulation -- One letter sized paper, front and back, no
material photocopied directly from textbook or handouts from class
FINAL GRADES: Section 3 and
Section 7
A note on final grade calculation: The exams are calculated as follows.
Method 1: Exam 1 (20%), Exam 2 (20%), Exam 3 (25%).
Method 2: Exam 1 (5%), Exam 2 (30%), Exam 3 (30%).
Grade according to whichever is better.
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since October 23, 2003.