A good answer might be:

Compile it into Java bytecode, then run the bytecode with the Java interpreter.

Running the Program

To do all that, find the DOS command window you started up a while back. It should still be positioned in the C:\Temp directory. To check that you put the source file ("Hello.java") in this directory, enter the command dir *.java. You should see the source file, as below.

C:\TEMP>dir *.java
 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is 7C68-1E55

 Directory of C:\TEMP

08/23/98  01:07a                   115 Hello.java
               1 File(s)            115 bytes
                          2,448,368,640 bytes free

To compile the source file (thereby producing a file of bytecodes) enter the command javac Hello.java. Finally, to run it, enter the command java Hello.

C:\TEMP>javac Hello.java

  compiling: Hello.java

C:\TEMP>java Hello

Hello World!



After all of this, what did the Java program actually do?