A good answer might be:

Only at Starbucks.

Installing Java

To run Java you need a computer that is running one of

These Notes were prepared using Windows NT 4.0 (but with minor mental adjustment will work with any OS.)

The Java Development Kit (JDK) is a collection of software available at no charge from Sun Microsystems, Inc. At the time of writing (May 20, 2002) the download is available at java.sun.com. Detailed instructions on how to download it and install it are available at that site. If you have not yet installed Java, get the most recent version. The JDK for Windows comes in a file named jdk1_4-win.exe (or a similar name.)

While you are at that site (or later if you don't have time) get the Java documentation. This comes in a file jdk1_4-doc.zip. You will have to "un-zip" it when you get it. On most computers un-zipping a file can be started by clicking on the file name. You will end up with a set of web pages (stored on your computer) that describe most of the JDK.

If clicking in the name of the file does not unzip it, you need to install (yet another) program on your computer.


Are you using Borland's JBuilder, Symantec's Cafe, or similar program?