Fill in the Blanks

Instructions:   This is an ungraded fill-in-the-blank exercise. Each question consists of a sentence with one or two words left out. A button represents the missing word(s). For each question, think of the word or phrase that should fill each blank, then click on the buttons to see if you are correct. No grade is calculated for this exercise.

1. Complete the program so that it writes "Good-by" on the computer monitor.

class Bye
  public static void main ( String[] args )  
    System.out.println("  ");  
2. The source file that this program is saved in should be called (Be sure you use correct upper and lower case characters.)
3. To compile the program, enter this command into the DOS window:
4. The compiler will create a file containing . This file will be named .
5. To run the bytecodes, enter this command into the DOS window:
C:\SomeDir> Bye
6. The program that interprets the byte codes on your hardware is called the Java .
7. Although the underlying hardware may be different, the Java Virtual Machine on your computer is as that on any other computer, and so can run the same byte codes.
8. An is a Java bytecode program that runs on a Web browser.
9. To create a Java source file, use a program called a such as NotePad.
10. The command of DOS is used to examine the files in a directory.

End of the Exercise. If you want to do it again, click on "Refresh" in your browser window.