What is an InputStreamReader object good for?

A good answer might be:

Reading a stream of input data.

More Details

An InputStreamReader object reads data from some source (such as System.in). However, it is awkward to use by itself. A BufferedReader object is easier to use, but needs to be connected to an InputStreamReader. Look at these two lines from the program:

    InputStreamReader inStream = 
        new InputStreamReader( System.in ) ; 
    BufferedReader stdin = 
        new BufferedReader( inStream );

The first line constructs an InputStreamReader object and gives it the name inStream. The second line constructs a BufferedReader object and connects it to inStream. The BufferedReader is called stdin. To create a BufferedReader the new operator is used:

BufferedReader stdin = new BufferedReader( inStream );

The new operator creates a BufferedReader object out of main memory. The BufferedReader object can then be used to do input. "BufferedReader" appears twice in this statement because the first "BufferedReader" describes the type of the variable stdin, while the second one tells the new opeator what type of object to create.


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