created 07/29/99

Chapter 14 Programming Exercises

Exercise 1 --- Check Charge

A bank has the following rule: if a customer has more than $1000 dollars in their checking account or more than $1500 dollars in their savings account, then there is no service charge for writing checks. Otherwise there is a $0.15 charge per check. Write a program that asks for the balance in each account and then writes out the service charge.


Exercise 2 --- Tire Pressure

The front tires of a car should both have the same pressure. Also, the rear tires of a car should both have the same pressure (but not neccessarily the same pressure as the front tires.) Write a program that reads in the pressure of the four tires and writes a message that says if the inflation is OK or not.

Input right front pressure
Input left front pressure
Input right rear pressure
Input left rear pressure

Inflation is OK


Exercise 3 --- More Tire Pressure

Its not enough that the pressures are the same in the tires, but the pressures must also be within range. Modify the program in exercise 1 so that it also checks that each tire has a pressure between 35 and 45. If a tire is out of range, write out an error message immediately, but continue inputting values and processing them:

Input right front pressure
Warning: pressure is out of range

Input left front pressure
Warning: pressure is out of range

Input right rear pressure
Input left rear pressure

Inflation is BAD
If there have been any warnings, write out a final error message. (To do this, declare a boolean variable goodPressure that is initialized to true but is changed to false when an out of range tire is first found.)


Exercise 4 --- The Pressure is Building

Tires don't have to have exactly the same pressure. Modify the program for exercise 2 so that the front tires can be within 3 psi of each other, and the rear tires can be within 3 psi of each other.

Input right front pressure
Input left front pressure
Input right rear pressure
Input left rear pressure

Inflation is OK


end of the exercises