Chapter 17 Programming Exercises

Exercise 1 --- Adding up Squares and Cubes

Write a program that adds up the squares and adds up the cubes of integers from 1 to N, where N is entered by the user:

Upper Limit:
The sum of Squares is  55
The sum of Cubes   is  225

Do this by using just one loop.


Exercise 2 --- Power of a number

Write a program that computes XN where X is a floating point number and N is a positive integer. The program informs the user that N must be positive if the user enters a negative value. Of course,

XN = X * X * X * ... * X   
           N times

The user dialog will look something like this:

Enter X
Enter N

1.3 raised to the power 5 is:  3.71293


Enter X
Enter N

N must be a positive integer.

Exercise 3 --- Wedge of Stars

Write a program that writes a wedge of stars. The user enters the initial number of stars, and the program writes out lines of stars. Each line has one few star than the previous line:

Initial number of stars:


Exercise 4 --- Holiday Tree

Write a program that writes a tree made of stars on the terminal:


End of exercises.