A good answer might be:

No. All the user knows is that something is wrong.

Skeleton of the Program

class ComboLock
  public static void main ( String[] args )
    boolean correct = true;

    //First Number
       ... possibly change correct

    //Second Number
       ... possibly change correct

    //Third Number
       ... possibly change correct

    if ( correct )
      System.out.println("Lock opens");
      System.out.println("Lock does not open");

Check back to the flowhart and study how the boolean variable correct works. In the program, the if statement is correclty written. The boolean variable correct will be either true or false. All that the if statement needs is that. You don't need to do this:

if ( correct == true )

because the boolean expression will merely evaluate to the value that correct already has.


Will correct ever be set back to true after it has been set to false?