A good answer might be:

How many Point objects are created by this program?     1 --- the object referenced by pt
How many temporary String objects are created by this program?     2 --- one temporary String object for each println()

One Object, with Changing Data

The program changes the data inside a Point object using that object's move() method:

import java.awt.*;
class ChangingData1
  public static void main ( String arg[] )
    Point pt = new Point( 12, 45 );  // construct a Point
    System.out.println( "First values: " + pt );     

    pt.move( -13, 49 ) ;             // change the x and y in the Point
    System.out.println( "Final values: " + pt ); 

Here is a picture of this:


Can a constructor be used to change the data inside an object?