A good answer might be:

The modified method is seen below.

Complete Class

Here is the complete class, including the modified display() method. Look it over to see how the things that we have been doing fit together.

class CheckingAccount
  // data-declarations
  private String accountNumber;
  private String accountHolder;
  private int    balance;
  private int    useCount = 0;

  CheckingAccount( String accNumber, String holder, int start )
    accountNumber = accNumber ;
    accountHolder = holder ;
    balance       = start ;

  // methods
  private void incrementUse()
    useCount = useCount + 1;

  int currentBalance()
    return balance ;

  void  processDeposit( int amount )
    balance = balance + amount ; 

  void processCheck( int amount )
    int charge;

    if ( balance < 100000 )
      charge = 15; 
      charge = 0;

    balance =  balance - amount - charge  ;

  void display()
    System.out.println(  accountNumber + "\t" + accountHolder + "\t" +  
                         balance + "\t" + useCount );



What does the useCount keep track of: