A good answer might be:

The applet would draw ten circles, as before, but they would be smaller circles.

Smaller Circles

The circles are not side-by-side, and since their left side is touching the left edge of the lines that divide the drawing into 10 regions, the row of circles is shifted left a bit. Here is the modified applet:

import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.*;

// Assume that the drawing area is 300 by 150.
// Draw ten red circles  across the drawing area.
public class tenSmallCircles extends Applet
  final int width = 300, height = 150;

  public void paint ( Graphics gr )
    gr.setColor( Color.red );
    int radius = 10; 
    int Y      = height/2 - radius; // the top edge of the squares

    int count =  0 ;
    while (  count < 10  )
      int X      = count*(width/10);  // the left edge of each of 10
                                      // rectangles across the area
      gr.drawOval( X, Y, 2*radius, 2*radius );
      count = count + 1; 

And here is the pretty picture that it draws on your screen:

Not all browsers can run applets. If you see these words, yours can not. You should be able to continue reading these lessons, however.

Here is a picture of the situation with the guide lines drawn in:



If you want to make the left edge of the leftmost circle the same distance from the edge of the drawing as the right edge of the rightmost circle, what do you want to do (in general)?