A good answer might be:

  1. The programmer can write a no-argument constructor for a class.
  2. If the programmer does not write any constructors for a class, then a no-argument constructor (called the default constructor) is automatically supplied.
  3. If the programmer writes even one constructor for a class then the default constructor is not supplied.

Instantiating Movie

In the example program, the class definition for VideoTape includes a constructor, so the default constructor was not automatically supplied. So the constructor proposed for Movie causes a syntax error. Let us not use it.

Here is an example program that makes use of the two classes:

class TapeStore
  public static void main ( String args[] )
    VideoTape item1 = new VideoTape("Microcosmos", 90 );
    Movie     item2 = new Movie("Jaws", 120, "Spielberg", "PG" );

(You can run this program by using NotePad and copying and pasting the class definitions from the previous pages.) When you run it, you will get the following output:

Microcosmos, 90 min. available:true
Jaws, 120 min. available:true

The statement item2.show() calls the show() method of item2. This method was inherited without change from the class VideoTape. This is what it looks like:

public void show()
  System.out.println( title + ", " + length + " min. available:" + avail );

It does not mention the new variables that have been added to objects of type Movie, so nothing new is printed out.


Why not change show() in VideoTape to include the line

System.out.println( "dir: " + director + rating );