Phi Sigma Sigma banner

Mission: To inspire the personal development of each sister and perpetuate the advancement of womanhood.

Vision: Phi Sigma Sigma is a dynamic sisterhood of powerful women fostering uncompromising principles, igniting positive change, and embracing individuality.

Sorority Flower: American Beauty Rose

Sorority Stone: Sapphire

Sorority Colors: King Blue and Gold

National Philanthropy: Phi Sigma Sigma Foundation, contributor to The National Kidney Foundation.

Open Motto: Diokete Hupsala: Aim High

Twin Ideals: The brotherhood of man and the alleviation of the world's pain.

Sorority Symbol: Sphinx


Phi Sigma Sigma was founded in 1913 at Hunter College in New York City when ten friends found that due to religious prejudices they would not be able to join the same sorority. They began the first non-sectarian sorority with ritual not based on scripture. Phi Sigma Sigma continues to be a proud, strong member of the Greek community because our Founders were leaders of their time, who developed a mission to perpetuate the advancement of womanhood.

They believed that women of different faiths could come together and work toward common goals. They established the ideals that endure today and are upheld by Phi Sigma Sigma collegians and alumnae bound by the strength of sisterhood. Our Founders charted the course for milestones that have enabled Phi Sigma Sigma to prosper. Membership in Phi Sigma Sigma remains a lifelong, meaningful experience for women with like values.


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