Business Administration Students
Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday: 7:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M.
Friday: 8:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.
We are currently experiencing a HIGH volume of advising inquires. Please be sure to check back for any changes.
Welcome to the BPA Advising Center in the School of Business & Public Administration (BPA) at CSUB. Our office is staffed by four full-time advisors, clerical support,
and student assistants. Our mission is to assist you with all student-related matters
including advising, registration, and grade point average (GPA) issues.
All students with fewer than 45 units completed are required to have academic advising
each quarter prior to registration. Students with more than 45 units completed will
have a hold placed on their registration to ensure that they receive academic advising
at least once a year. You are encouraged to meet with us more frequently to ensure
maximum progress toward graduation. It is best to make an appointment, however, time
permitting we will advise on a walk-in basis. We recommend that you make an appointment at least one month prior to any registration period.
Although we are here to support you, we also have certain expectations of you as a
BPA student. These include being aware of important dates such as the last day to
add/drop courses, advising and registration dates, and the deadline for filing your
graduation application. We encourage you to be proactive in monitoring your progress
toward graduation and have provided you with all of the tools necessary to do so on
this Website. You should also update your contact information, such as, your preferred
phone number, on your MyCSUB.
We wish you success in your academic career at CSUB!
- The BPA Advising Center Staff
Main Campus
Contact Information

CSUB Main Campus Students Only
Phone: (661) 654-2326Email: bpastudentservices@csub.eduOffice: BPA 123A
Advising Center CoordinatorAcademic Advisor
Phone: (661) 654-3099Email: bmendiola@csub.eduOffice: BDC 121A
Academic Advisor
Phone: (661) 654-3980Email: yarchuleta@csub.eduOffice: BDC 123A
Academic AdvisorInternational Students and Programs
Phone: (661) 654-6124Email: gochoa3@csub.eduOffice: ENT 112AAntelope Valley

Academic AdvisorAntelope Valley
Phone: (661) 952-5010Email: lantone@csub.eduOffice: CSUB AV 99a Dr. Lea Antone's Website
Academic AdvisorAntelope Valley
Phone: (661) 952-5021Email: mmiller53@csub.eduOffice: CSUB AV 106