BREC stands for Business Research and Education Center.
Purpose, Mission, Vision, and Values of BREC
- Support faculty and student research opportunities and activities;
- Be actively involved in community-based outreach programs as a resource to local and regional businesses and to economic development efforts;
- Provide a local and regional forum for lifelong learning experiences; and,
- Create and administer programs that promote student participation within the university and the community, such as scholarships, internships, cooperative education, and community service projects.
Mission: To be the catalyst for collaborative and interdisciplinary research by faculty, students, and the business community.
Vision: To be the local leader and catalyst for leading-edge research and education in business.
Values: Embrace diversity and inclusion by enabling faculty members and students to work with one another, with other institutions, and with representatives of the civic, corporate, and philanthropic communities on issues, projects, and programs related to BPA’s academic strengths and interests.
BREC Virtual Seminars
Sunny Snawar

Thomas Parker - Cintas

BREC Virtual Seminars
BREC Virtual Seminars
BREC Virtual Seminars
Better Money Habits Part 1

Better Money Habits Part 2

Better Money Habits Part 3

BREC Virtual Seminars
The Future of Technology the Convergence of Bio

Leadership and Trust

Entrepreneurship in Kern COVID-19 and Beyond

BREC Seminar Events
Fall 2022
Fall 2021
Spring 2021
- Better Money Habits
- Kern County Economic Overview and Update
- Entrepreneurship in Kern: COVID-19 and Beyond
Fall 2020
BREC Advisory Board

Director of BREC and Assistant Professor of Mgmt.
Phone: (661) 654-2072Email: ssarma@csub.eduOffice: BDC 232AMore About Dr. Sumita SarmaBoard Members

Professor of Management
Email: mattaran@csub.eduOffice: BDC 137AMohsen Attaran's WebsiteMore About Mohsen Attaran
Director, SBDC (Small Business Development Center)
Phone: (661) 654-2856Email: kbearden@csub.eduOffice: CSU Bakersfield SBDCMore About Kelly Bearden1631 17th Street
Suite 200
Bakersfield, CA 93301
(661) 654-2856

President, Mid State Development Corporation
Phone: (661) 322-4241Email: president@msdcdc.orgOffice: Mid State Development CorpMore About Keith Brice1631 17th Street
Suite 100
Bakersfield, CA 93301
(661) 322-4241
Office (661) 322-0536 Fax

President and CEO, KEDC
Phone: (661) 332-5550Email: richard@kedc.comOffice: Kern Economic Development Corp.More About Richard Chapman
Associate Professor of Economics, CSUB
Phone: (661) 654-3962Email: rgearhart1@csub.eduOffice: BDC 257AMore About Richard Gearheart
Director, Grant Management, CSUB
Phone: (661) 654-2233Email: voragwam@csub.eduOffice: 24 DDH
Lecturer of Public Policy and Administration, CSUB
Phone: (661) 654-4033Email: apallitto@csub.eduOffice: BDC 106AMore About Anthony Pallitto
Interim Dean and Professor of Management
Phone: (661) 654-2323Email: jstark@csub.eduOffice: BDC 100A
Chair, Management and Marketing
Phone: (661) 654-2321Email: jtarjan@csub.eduOffice: BDC A 144 and BDC A 209BREC and CSUB Logos