Our Mission Statement
Department of English Mission Statement
The Department of English’s mission is to graduate students who value expression, imagination, and critical thinking. We are dedicated to the study of language and literature as they emerge from time and articulate the intricacies of the human experience.
The diversity and complexity of the world is represented throughout the entire range of literature written in English, and we believe the immersive study of written expression advances the humanistic values of discovery, compassion, progress, and beauty. We prepare our students to understand problems through research, to write for various audiences and purposes, and to explore new forms in a variety of genres and media.
With the skills they develop in interpretation and critical reasoning, our graduates
will be able to uncover the layers of meaning in any text, as well as in the narratives
that inform their daily lives. A democratic society requires members who can comprehend
and evaluate arguments from multiple perspectives, understand and empathize with others,
and express their own ideas with clarity, force, and eloquence. It is our mission
to ensure that our graduates will have these skills
and insights.