Resources for Faculty & Staff
National Resource Center
for The First-Year Experience &
Students in Transition
The National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition, located at the University of South Carolina, Columbia, has as its mission to support and advance efforts to improve student learning and transitions into and through higher education.
They provide opportunities for the exchange of practical, theory-based information and ideas through the convening of conferences, teleconferences, institutes, and workshops; publishing monographs, a peer-reviewed journal, an electronic newsletter, guides, and books; generating and supporting research and scholarship; hosting visiting scholars; and administering a web site and listservs.
Critical Thinking Exercises
This site provides practical critical thinking exercises for use in the classroom.
CSUB 101 Materials
Runner Life & Class Materials
- Runner Life Teacher Activities
- Student Information Sheet
- Strategies for the Effective & Expeditious Learning of Student Names
- The "Classmate Scavenger Hunt": A Strategy For Promoting Peer Connections & Creating Class Community
- Library Scavenger Hunt
- The ABC's of Credit
First-Year Experience Articles
- DIVERSITY: Appreciating the Value of Human Differences for Enhancing Learning and Personal Development
- Faculty-Student Contact Outside the Classroom: Supporting Evidence & Promoting Practices
- The Case for Faculty and Staff Mentoring Programs for College Student
- The Role of College Faculty in Promoting Student Retention: Instructional Strategies For Reducing Student Attrition
- Moving Beyond Student Outcomes: Potential Campus-Wide Impact of the First-Year Seminar on the Institution
- Suggested Strategies for Building Student Interest in & Motivation for the First-Year Seminar
- The top 10 questions you should be asking your students