Phi Alpha Theta Honor Society
What Is Phi Alpha Theta?
First organized at the University of Arkansas in 1921, PHI ALPHA THETA is the international honor society for students and professors of History elected to the society upon the basis of excellence in the study of History. PHI ALPHA THETA is a professional society, the objective of which is the promotion of the study of history by the encouragement of research, good teaching, publication, and the exchange of learning and thought among historians. It seeks to bring students and professors of history together, both intellectually and socially, and it encourages and assists--in a variety of ways--historical research and publication by its members.
What Does It Do at CSUB?
Activities of the CSUB chapter--Psi Zeta--include an annual member banquet to welcome new initiates, as well as informal gatherings during the academic year. Other activities range from museum and historical site excursions to sponsoring the annual department picnic. Regional conferences of PHI ALPHA THETA are attended by chapter delegates, who have the opportunity to present papers and to offer comments on papers presented by others. Our chapter now has our annual paper competition for the J.R. Wonderly prize held each winter quarter in preparation for the Annual Southern California Regional Phi Alpha Theta Conference.
What Are the Rewards of Membership?
Initiation into PHI ALPHA THETA confers life membership on the individual in the international society. In its effort to promote the study of History, PHI ALPHA THETA offers a number of prizes and awards for which members are eligible. These include scholarships, paper prize awards, and book awards. These prizes and awards are available at the graduate and undergraduate levels. See our chapter advisor for information.
How Do I Become a Member?
Undergraduate history majors and minors who have completed a minimum of four CSUB courses in history with a GPA of 3.1 or higher are eligible. Graduate students must have a 3.5 GPA. (The GPA is calculated from all history courses taken.) Candidates for PHI ALPHA THETA are subject to approval by a majority of the history department faculty. If you are interested in becoming a member, and fulfill the requirements, please download and complete the P.A.T. application form and email it to the P.A.T. advisor, Professor Miriam Raub Vivian.
Phi Alpha Theta Advisor: Professor Miriam Raub Vivian, email:; telephone: 661-654-2230.