Dear CSUB Department of Nursing Preceptor:
Thank you for your support in helping our nursing students apply nursing practice concepts in your clinical area. Your willingness to be a preceptor is greatly appreciated by both the student and the Nursing faculty at California State University, Bakersfield (CSUB). The Preceptor Handbook is available to assist you in interacting with the nursing student you are assigned. This handbook is designed to provide both the preceptor and the student with an understanding of the roles and responsibilities in this collaborative effort. It includes: information about the CSUB Nursing Program, The Preceptor Program expectations, and tips for you as a preceptor.
Most undergraduate students in our program have performed basic nursing skills and
some complex care nursing skills in the clinical area; however, many are not at an
independent level yet. The undergraduate student will provide you with his/her learning
contract, skills checklist, and request your input to ensure that clinical experiences
are planned which will allow for a positive and productive learning experience in
managing care for a group of patients. Your assistance in guiding the students will
be of benefit as they build upon their previous learning.
Clinical experience gives graduate students the opportunity to apply theory in the
clinical situation, develop an understanding of the nurse practitioner's role, function
as a member of an interdisciplinary team, and demonstrate the ability to mobilize
and coordinate available community resources in the management of client health and
illness states. Students develop their clinical reasoning skills and test their philosophy
of practice throughout clinical experience.
The entire clinical rotation covers one academic semester. Your support and guidance, as needed, can prove beneficial for both the student and the hospital and contributes to the next generation of professional nurses/nurse leaders. The Nursing faculty is also available to the student for consultation and assistance. The Nursing faculty will contact you for the semester you are assigned as a preceptor.
At the end of this rotation please complete and return the forms as indicated in the handbook. Your evaluation feedback is greatly appreciated in that it will aid us in our program's performance improvement efforts. Again, thank you for you participation in the CSUB Nursing Department Preceptor Program.