Religious Studies
The primary mission of the religious studies program is to provide an objective, nonsectarian program of study. The program is intended (1) to enable students to become acquainted with current scholarship in the study of religion, (2) to increase student understanding of the role religion plays in the lives of individuals, societies and diverse cultures, and (3) to help students improve their skills in writing and critical thinking, particularly with reference to religion. The academic study of religion is part of the liberal arts tradition, which seeks to make students more informed, more thoughtful and more tolerant citizens.
Are you someone who…
- is intrigued by different cultures and diverse beliefs?
- wonders how religion can lead to both conflict and peace, hatred and love, bigotry and tolerance, venerable institutions and extraordinary individuals?
- believes that religion at its highest can inspire the creative spirit, motivate just and ethical behavior, and transform the world?
- wonders how there can be so many religions that all claim to be true?
- is curious about why we are here, what happens after death, and how you should live?
In religious studies, we focus on the manifold ways religion has shaped and continues to shape our world. The influence of religion can be seen in law and government, family and parenting practices, the arts and human creativity, economics and social structures. It pervades the way we think about life, death, morality, justice, truth, and love. In the academic study of religion, we examine religion from outside the framework of any particular belief system. The approach is cross-cultural in content and multi-disciplinary in approach. As a result, we explore a wide variety of religious traditions and bring a broad palette of interpretive tools to better understand them. We present religion as a lived experience, one that can illuminate the causes, meanings, and implications of current events. At CSUB, the surrounding religious environment provides a fertile and important arena to witness the living out of diverse religious traditions. Whether the subject is local or far-off, contemporary or ancient, the field of religious studies seeks to understand religion in its many different manifestations.
As majors in religious studies, you will explore some of the most important and intriguing forms religion takes across the planet. At the end of your studies, you will be able to…
- describe, interpret, and compare the important beliefs and practices of the major religious traditions of the world, using appropriate academic methods.
- identify and explain various approaches to the study of religion that have informed the academic discipline of religion throughout its history.
- discuss intelligently the role of religion in our contemporary world.
- think critically, develop arguments, and communicate them clearly in written and spoken form.
Religious Studies Majors and Minors
Why Study Religious Studies
In religious studies, students acquire skills in reading and analyzing a variety of texts and cultural situations. Contemporary citizens need to know how to live in the whole world, how to approach and understand cultures radically different from their own, and religious studies provides training in how to do this. Religious studies students gain knowledge of a variety of human cultures and, through the cultivation of empathic understanding, learn to listen and appreciate the differences in and between people.
Can I Get a Job with a Degree in Religious Studies?
Religious studies majors have gone into careers in a variety of fields that require creative thinking, subtle analysis, and strong written and oral communication skills. Graduates from CSUB have obtained positions in journalism, publishing, international business, teaching, social work, marketing and human relations. These are just a few of the career options open to religious studies majors.
What If I Want to Continue My Education?
Many students double major in religious studies in preparation for application to law school or medical school, which look favorably on religious studies as a second major. College and university teaching are possible with further graduate work. A career in psychology is a common option for religious studies majors and usually requires an advanced degree. One can also continue one’s education for work in ministry.
How Do I Declare a Religious Studies Major?
The first step is to talk with your religious studies faculty.They can help you with the declaration process and serve as your primary advisor and mentor.
What About Other Occupations?
The skills you develop in religious studies can help you reach a variety of goals.
Analytical and strategic thinking skills are needed to become a:
- policy analyst
- government researcher
- probation officer
- lawyer
Leadership skills are valued in jobs such as:
- care worker
- volunteer coordinator
- trainer and facilitator
- counselor
- fundraiser
Problem-solving skills are required in jobs such as:
- mediator
- human rights adviser
- sales representative
- professional development
Relationship management and people skills are valued in a:
- psychologist
- negotiator
- project manager
- human resources manager
Information on the Religious Studies Program and Faculty
Religious Studies Alumni
Kathleen O'Neal Gear (Religious Studies 1977)
Kathleen is a best-selling author and award-winning archaeologist who has authored
10 novels herself and co-authored another 37 with her husband, W. Michael Gear. Their
"People Books" series of historical novels imagine the lives of the First North Americans
in the American West. Kathleen also worked for the United States Department of the
Interior as the Wyoming State Historian, and later as the Archaeologist for Wyoming,
Kansas and Nebraska. She has twice been the recipient of the federal government's
"Special Achievement Award" for outstanding management of our nation's cultural heritage.
She and Michael currently operate an anthropological research company called Wind
River Archaeological Consultants. Kathleen received her B.A. in Religious Studies
from California State University in Bakersfield, and her M.A., summa cum laude, from
California State University in Chico. She conducted Ph.D. studies at the University
of California in Los Angeles and did post-graduate studies at the Hebrew University
of Jerusalem in Israel. Kathleen was inducted into the CSUB Alumni Hall of Fame in
2015. She and Michael live on a buffalo ranch in the Owl Creek Mountains of northern
Katie Garcia (Religious Studies 2016)
During her time at CSUB, Katie was a member of the Hawks Honors Society, and she was
the outstanding graduate in Religious Studies in 2016. Katie was accepted to the Duke
University School of Law in Durham, North Carolina.
Scott Porter (Religious Studies 2009)
Since graduation, Scott has continued to work as an IT Specialist for clients through
Breakthrough Financial Services—a management consulting firm for small- and medium-sized
businesses—co-owned and operated with his wife, Celeste. Since 2010, Scott has taken
on an additional job as a substitute teacher at St. Francis of Assisi Parish School
in Bakersfield. As a way to share the knowledge he acquired from CSUB’s Religious
Studies Program and personal research, Scott teamed up with his friend Bryan Gesinger
to launch a website,, to assist Catholic teachers, parents, and students of religion to discover the teachings
of the Catholic Church, including the Early Church Fathers. A recent website redesign
allows visitors to view the site on both desktop and mobile devices while also providing
content translation into over fifty languages. The website has received recognition
from many Catholic organizations, has attracted visitors from over 90 countries, and
was recently granted permission from the Vatican to use the Official Vatican Widget.
Annie Neri (Religious Studies 2005)
Congratulations to Annie Neri, Religious Studies major from the Class of 2005, who
has been awarded a Graduate Teaching Assistantship at the University of Kansas starting
next Fall. That is wonderful news Annie. We’re very proud of you! Please keep us up-to-date
on how you are progressing.
Wim Laven (Religious Studies 2003)
Wim Laven, a former Religious Studies major who went on to receive his M.A. in Conflict
Resolution at Portland State University, has passed along an update from Sri Lanka,
where, among other projects, he is helping to rebuild from the tsunami. The update
contains, in part, a poignant description of the ongoing ethnic violence between the
Tamil Tigers and the Sinhalese government forces. It is also preceded by a heartfelt letter from Wim’s father. You are doing good, noble, and important work, Wim. We’re very proud of you!
Deborah Privett (Religious Studies)
We have just heard from former Religious Studies major Deborah Privett, who is now
teaching English full-time at Ridgeview High School and part-time (Eng 110) here at
CSUB. She is also finding time to coach mock trial at Ridgeview. Great work, Deborah!
John Pinheiro (Religious Studies 1992)
John Pinheiro, former Religious Studies major makes history (literally) and meets
President Bush! John is now Assistant Professor of History at Aquinas College in Grand
Rapids, MI. Keep up all the good work, John. We’re very proud of you!