Student Academic Grievance
A student has the right to grieve an academic sanction imposed by a faculty member. The grievances can concern only two types of sanctions: allegations of academic dishonesty and an assigned final course grade.
The grievance must be pursued according to the University's Student Academic Grievance procedures. Copies are available in each School Deans' office.
Group grievances are not permitted. The University presumes the correctness of final course grades. It is the responsibility of a student appealing an assigned grade to demonstrate otherwise.
Student Non-Academic Grievance
A student also has the right to grieve other University actions that do not involve allegations of academic dishonesty or course grades. The Student Non-Academic Grievance Procedures are available in the Office of the Vice President of Student Affairs.
Section 504 Grievance Procedure
Students or any other persons who believe there has been discrimination because of a disability are encouraged to discuss the matter with the University 504 Compliance Officer. The designated 504 Compliance Officer/ADA Coordinator for CSUB is Marcus Brown, J.D., Director of Equity, Inclusion, and Compliance. His office is located in the President's Office, BDC E100, and by phone at (661) 654-2713. If such discussions do not resolve the matter, the person may then initiate a formal grievance by completing the form available from the Compliance Officer.