Dr. Luis E. Cabrales was hired as an Assistant Professor. He is the leader in the educational
goals for this grant. September 2012.
Outreach activities at CSUB Foundation Connect event: In this event, leaders from the agricultural
community were invited to connect with faculty and administrators. The outcomes of this event were very
positive. The local agricultural industry leaders were very interested in supporting the agricultural
programs and they provided feedback regarding the educational goals.September 2012.
Student recruitment activities for the Engineering program were carried at Shafter High School.
Shafter is an agricultural community in the San Joaquin Valley with a 80% of Hispanic population. October 2012.
Dr. Julio Blanco and Luis Cabrales attended the US Department of Agriculture meeting and Hispanic
Association of Colleges and Universities National Meeting in October 2012 in Washington DC. They reported
the progress of the grant to USDA officials. October 2012.
Under the leadership of the Chair of the Department of Physics and Engineering, Dr. Jorge Talamantes, the
curriculum for the B.S in Engineering Sciences with emphasis in Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering was developed for campus approval.
The curriculum was approved in Spring of 2013.
New courses related to Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering were approved within the Engineering
Sciences curriculum. These courses started on Fall 2013. These are:
ENGR 340 Soil and Water Resource Management. Fall 2014.
ENGR 341 Engineering Principles of Agricultural Machines. Winter 2014.
ENGR 342 Bioprocess Engineering. Fall 2013
ENGR 440 Biological Systems Applications. Spring 2015
ENGR 441 Environmental Engineering. Spring 2014.
ENGR 442 Food and Bioprocess Engineering Unit Operations. Winter 2015.
The new course ENGR 342 Bioprocess Engineering has been taught in Fall 2013.
Three students were selected for the USDA Agricultural Engineering Scholarship at CSBU, they are: Ruben Sanchez, Fernando Ceja, and Gonzalo Muniz.
all of them are majoring in Engineering Sciences with emphasis in Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering