Catalog & Curriculum
Submit Completed Forms and Supporting Documentation to ServiceNow.
The link above directs you to our Service Now ticket Academic Request within Enrollment Systems. (Note: you will need to sign in to ServiceNow if you are not already logged in.) This request has 4 different issue types:
- Catalog Typically Offered Revision
- Use this option to update when a course is typically offered.
- Program Map Revision Form
- Use this option if the program map needs to be updated/modified.
- Catalog/Approved Curriculum Submissions
- Use this for all approved course proposals, new degree proposals, changes to degree, GE course submission, etc.
- Under the Short description
- Provide what type of change is in the attached documentation.
- Or indicate if no changes are needed.
- Catalog Editorial Changes Only
- Use this for catalog copy content/editorial changes only.
- Use the Short description
- Provide what type of change is in the attached documentation.
- Or Indicate if no changes are needed.