CSUB AV Tutoring
The tutoring center at CSUB AV is here to help students sharpen their skills in various areas of study. All our tutors have expertise in their area of tutoring and come highly recommended by our faculty. If you have a big research paper to write, have trouble figuring out how to find credible sources, or simply need help with organization or time management skills, come see our tutors!
Take your projects and papers to the next level by working with an online tutor or in person here in the Antelope Valley. Face-to-face tutoring is available in the 500 building in room 503 with tutors to help either by appointment or walk-in. The tutoring center recommends making appointments early and often throughout the semester. For students who need more flexibility but need help with their coursework, we also have NetTutor online tutoring available live through video, audio, and/or chat. All tutors at NetTutor are professional tutors with a bachelor's degree or higher. Students register with their active CSUB email account directly at www.NetTutor.com/CSUBNT and can begin using their services as early as their first semester.
Contact Us
Please contact the tutoring center through email at avtc@csub.edu.
Virtual walk-ins are handled on a first come first serve basis; appointments available upon request outside of walk-in hours as needed.
We offer Sociology and Data Analysis tutoring in-person or via zoom.
Tuesday: 10am- 4pm
Wednesday: 10am- 4pm
Thursday: 10am- 4pm
Tuesday: 7pm-10pm
Thursday: 7pm-10pm
Friday: 1pm- 5pm
Visit our virtual CSUB AV Tutoring Center for more information.
Interested in becoming a tutor? All you need is an application, a writing sample, and a CSUB faculty recommendation.
Contact Lea Antone, Tutoring Coordinator, for more info at lantone@csub.edu.