Stay Near, Go Far!
Welcome to California State University Bakersfield, Antelope Valley. The faculty and staff are excited to work with students to achieve their educational goals. CSUB AV is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges, Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC, formerly known as WASC).
Teaching Credential
The CSUB Antelope Valley campus provides academic advising to help students with their choice of major or course selections. There are tutoring services, computer lab, library services, student life, counseling and health services... all in easy reach for enrolled students. Check out the website, come by and visit or give us a call. We want to make CSUB Antelope Valley... YOUR UNIVERSITY.
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Office Hours
Spring Office Hours:
Monday: 8am-5pm
Tuesday: 8am- 5pm
Wednesday: 8am- 5pm
Thursday: 8am-5pm
Friday: 8am- 5pm
Mailing Address
43909 30th Street West
Lancaster, CA 93536
Contact Us
Phone: (661) 952-5000