CARES III - Spring 2022
As of March 18, 2022, 100% of CARES III (ARP) funding has been distributed to students.
Dear Students,
Starting this week, you will see welcome support coming your way to assist with your life-changing pursuit of a university degree.
All CSUB students enrolled in a degree-seeking program as of Feb. 18, 2022, will receive support based on need, as demonstrated by your 2021-22 FAFSA or California Dream Act filings. There is no need to fill out any additional paperwork. Starting Tuesday, March 8, awards will begin posting to accounts, a process that should be completed by Friday, March 11.
Full-time students with the greatest need will receive $1,600, students with some need will receive $1,200, and students with less need - or those who have not filed financial aid documents - will receive $600. All current 2022 spring semester students enrolled in a degree-seeking program, including DACA students and international students, will receive funding.
Please find the value of your award on our Spring 2022 Support FAQs.
The support will come in one lump payment to your BankMobile account and will not affect financial aid eligibility now or in the future. If you have not already registered for a BankMobile account, you may register for one here. Please also make sure your BankMobile account is up to date with your bank information.
For more information, please refer to our frequently asked questions. If you have additional questions about the aid, made possible through the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund III, please email
`Runners, this is the fifth distribution of direct support to our students since the COVID-19 pandemic began two years ago this month. Never before in our history has the federal government and this university done more to support students in their quest to stay enrolled in school and focused on their goal: a college degree.
Over the last two years, some 43,060 awards to our students have been made, using a combination of federal and CSUB funds, totaling over $40.8 million. Of that total, more than $10 million will be allocated to 9,365 students this week.
I want to thank you for continuing with your studies during an extraordinarily challenging time and commend you for your commitment to investing in your future.
Our best days are ahead, `Runners. Let's rise to meet the future together!
President Lynnette Zelezny
California State University, Bakersfield