CSUB Counseling Center
Phone: (661) 654-3366
After-Hours Phone: (661) 654-3366 (Press 2 when voicemail answers)
National Support Line - Call or Text 988 for free 24/7 confidential crisis counseling
Veterans Crisis Line - Dial: 988 then Press 1, Chat Online: www.veteranscrisisline.net, Text: 838255
Message About CSUB Counseling Center's New Location
Welcome back for the Sprng 2025 semester! The CSUB Counseling Center has moved to a new location on campus. The Counseling Center is now located in the Rivendell building, located on the west side of campus in the old residence halls. To schedule an appointment, please call into the CSUB Counseling Center main office phone (661) 654-3366. If you are taken to voicemail, please leave a message. This is the only way we will know you need services and can return your call to schedule an appointment.
For all counseling sessions, you will receive a text message prior to your appointment with instructions for the appointment as well as instructions to fill out all necessary forms. We ask that you complete these forms prior to coming to your appointment. This allows the counselor to review your forms and see you as soon as possible on the day you come in.
**FOR CSUB AV CAMPUS - If you attend the CSUB Antelope Valley (AV) campus, you may call the CSUB-AV Counseling Center at (661) 952-5099. Please leave a message if you are taken to voicemail.
***AFTER HOURS CRISIS SERVICE - If needed, CSUB main campus and CSUB-AV campus students may call 654-3366 and press 2 anytime the counselors and administrative support staff are not in the Counseling Center (after 5pm, weekends, and during school breaks). Students will be connected to Protocall, CSUB's after-hours counseling service.
Welcome to the California State University, Bakersfield, Counseling Center. You can use this website to learn about the services we offer, how to use us, and where to find us. We have also collected a wide selection of Internet mental health links, community referral resources and relevant reading material to help you with day-to-day stresses and difficult periods in your life. Please note this information is not meant to replace a face-to-face consultation with a trained counselor, nor does this service provide "online" counseling.
The Counseling Center provides counseling and consultation services to undergraduate and graduate students who are enrolled in the university. The Center offers short-term counseling to help students with personal, academic, and career concerns. The primary goal of counseling is to help students develop the personal awareness and skills necessary to overcome problems and to grow and develop in ways that will allow them to take advantage of the educational opportunities at the university.
If you need or are interested in longer-term therapy, the Counseling Center can make referrals to other professionals or agencies in the community.
If you are in doubt about where to turn for assistance, please feel free to call the Counseling Center at 661-654-3366.
The Counseling Center allows students to access telephone crisis counseling during the times the Center is closed. Students can speak to a crisis counselor by dialing the Counseling Center phone number (661-654-3366) and PRESS 2. The crisis counselors can provide referrals and information about campus and community resources, as well as provide immediate help with urgent personal, emotional, or mental health concerns.
Fall and Spring Semester Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
The Counseling Center is open during the fall and spring semesters, and is closed during winter break, spring semester break, and summer break.
Appointments may be scheduled through our Administrative Assistant between the hours of 8:00am to 5:00pm. You may call to make an appointment or walk-in to schedule the appointment. During your first appointment, a counselor will meet with you to discuss your concerns and, at the end of the session, the most beneficial options will be reviewed with you. These could include follow-up individual counseling appointments with the Counseling Center, referral to one of the Counseling Center's therapy groups or workshops, and/or referrals to other resources on campus or in the community that can help you address your concerns.
Phone: (661) 654-3366
Location: The Counseling Center is located in the Rivendell building. (West side of campus near
Parking Lot E)