DPEL Faculty and Staff

DPEL Acting DirectorAssociate Professor
Phone: 661-654-6111Email: rwisman@csub.eduMore About Dr. Aaron WismanDr. Wisman’s research interests include school diversity and academic achievement of marginalized students, diversity and equity policy, state-level education reform, leadership in high-minority/high-poverty contexts, and school turnaround. He has published several peer-reviewed empirical articles in academic journals such as Education and Urban Society, Educational Policy, Educational Administration Quarterly, The Journal of Negro Education, among others.
Core Faculty

Associate Professor
Phone: 661-654-3140Email: bbeck4@csub.eduMore About Dr. Brittney Beck
Phone: 661-654-6140Email: ccommuri@csub.eduMore About Dr. Chandra Commuri
Phone: 661-654-2306Email: akebede@csub.eduMore About Dr. Alemseghed Kebede
Dean of Instruction, Bakersfield College
Phone: 661-336-5036Email: emourtzanos@csub.eduMore About Dr. Emmanuel Mourtzanos
Assistant Professor
Phone: 661-654-2051Email: jnmah@csub.eduMore About Dr. Juterh NmahPrior to coming to CSUB, she was employed as a regional coordinator with the Louisiana Board of Regents, Louisiana Office of Student Financial Assistance (LOSFA). She was previously a school counselor in Zachary, Louisiana, and in New Orleans, Louisiana. Originally from Liberia, Dr. Nmah relocated to Bakersfield after receiving her Ph.D. in educational leadership and research from Louisiana State University (LSU) in May 2020. She received her Bachelor of Arts degree in psychology from Georgia State University, and a Master of Education degree in school counseling also from LSU. She is passionate about working with economically disadvantaged students and ensuring students receive quality college and career readiness. Dr. Nmah’s research interests include college and career readiness, crisis management, minority male achievement, college access and equity and supervised practice and professional development. Her hobbies include volunteering, watching and playing sports, spending time with family and friends, interior designing and gardening.

Associate Professor
Phone: 661-952-5084Email: sschmidt3@csub.eduMore About Dr. Stacy Schmidt
Interim Dean, BPA - Retired
Phone: 661-654-3140Email: jstark@csub.eduMore About Dr. John Stark
Phone: 661-654-3140Email: msuleiman@csub.eduMore About Dr. Mahmoud SuleimanDr. Suleiman is one of the original planning committee members for the CSUF-CSUB joint doctoral program. In addition to being among the very first core members, he is the first CSUB faculty to chair dissertation committees as well as serve on many others; since the inception of the program, he has chaired more than seven dissertations focusing on various topics such the impact of school discipline policies on African American male students’ achievement gap, critical pedagogy approach to examine the impact of poverty on teacher grading decisions, gender equity in STEM related sciences, educational entrepreneurship, self-efficacy and social capital of Latinos in career academies,…among others.
He continues his involvement in the program with the commitment to enhance an actionable doctoral culture by promoting social justice leadership to transform schools in the service area and beyond.

Email: jsun2@csub.eduOffice: (661) 654-6217More About Dr. Jinping Sun
Associate Professor
Phone: (661) 654-2663Email: mszolowicz@csub.eduMore About Dr. Michael SzolowiczAffiliate Faculty

Associate Professor
Phone: 661-654-3422Email: dfowler2@csub.eduMore About Dr. Denver Fowler
Associate Professor
Phone: 661-654-3232Email: asawyer2@csub.eduMore About Dr. Adam SawyerPart-Time Lecturers

Phone: (661) 654-3140Email: mtorres6@csub.eduMore About Dr. Matt Torres