General Education (Multiple and Single Subject) Programs
Preliminary Multiple and Single Subject
1. Limitation on Program Length
The professional preparation coursework that all candidates are required to complete shall be equivalent to no more than two years of full-time study at the institution. The limitation applies to postgraduate teacher preparation programs. The limitation does not apply to blended/integrated programs of subject matter preparation and professional preparation teaching internship programs. Reference: Education Code Section 44259 (a) and (b) (3).
Clarification of Program Precondition 1
Individually Prescribed Courses. Program Precondition 1 does not apply to additional courses that are required if a candidate is unable to meet the Commission's standards of candidate competence and performance by completing the regular professional preparation program.
Multiple and Single Subject Credential candidates are required to complete a sequence
of courses and fieldwork that is the equivalent of three semesters of full-time study.
Both the Multiple Subject Credential (MS Credential Coursework) and the Single Subject Credential (SS Credential Coursework) require 50-52 semester units.
2. Limitation on Student Teaching Prerequisites
No college or university shall require candidates to complete more than the equivalent of nine semester units of professional preparation courses (as defined in Program Precondition 1) prior to allowing candidates to enroll in student teaching in elementary or secondary schools. This restriction may be increased to the equivalent of twelve semester units if the student teaching prerequisites include study of alternative methods of English language development as required by Program Precondition 7. Reference: Education Code Section 44320 (a).
Clarification of Program Precondition 2
Student Teaching is defined as experience in a classroom or school under the direction and supervision of an experienced practitioner to complete program requirements. Other terms sometimes used include field work, field experience, directed teaching, practice teaching, practicum, etc.
Multiple and Single Subject Credential candidates are encouraged to complete 12 semester
units of professional preparation courses prior to program acceptance. EDTE 3000:
Introduction to Education—3 units (45 hours of observation as required by the CSU
Executive Order 1077), EDTE 3308: Sociocultural Foundations of Education—3 units,
EDTE 4100: Teaching English Learners and Special Populations—3 units, and EDTE 4200:
Technology for Educators—3 units prior to beginning fieldwork. If needed, candidates
are permitted to take any of these courses except for EDTE 3000 in conjunction with
stage one courses that require student teaching/clinical practice. All student teaching/clinical
practice is completed under the direction and supervision of a university supervisor
and cooperating teacher (MS Credential Coursework; SS Credential Coursework; CSUB Course Catalog)
Precondition 2- Please provide clear evidence that candidates are not required to complete more than nine semester units of professional preparation courses prior to enrolling in student teaching.
Email Support 7/7/21: Precondition 2 requires the equivalent of nine semesters unless the student teaching prerequisites include study of alternative methods of English Language development. The issues here were
- No evidence provided that student teaching prerequisites include the study of alternative methods of English Language development.
- No evidence provided that the focus of EDTE 4100 is alternative methods of EL development.
Multiple and Single Subject Credential Candidates complete a total of 12 units prior to student teaching: EDTE 3000 (3), EDTE 3308 (3), EDTE 4200 (3) and EDTE 4100 Teaching English Learners and Special Populations (syllabus) prior to admission. EDTE 4100 has a clear focus on the alternative methods of developing English Language skills. EDTE 4100 sets the foundation for a candidate to develop the skills and attitudes required to understand alternative methods to effectively support English learners in the development of comprehensive reading skills (course description). These skills are further developed during Stage 1 and Stage 2 of the program.
3. English Language Skills.
In each program of professional preparation, the college or university or school district requires candidates to demonstrate knowledge of alternative methods of developing English language skills, including reading, among all pupils, including those for whom English is a second language, in accordance with the Commission's standards. Reference: Education Code Section 44259 (b) and 44259.5.
In all Multiple and Single Subject Credential Program coursework and fieldwork, candidates
are required to demonstrate knowledge of alternative methods of developing English
language skills for English Learners. All candidates are required to take EDTE 4100:
Teaching English Learners and Special Populations as a foundational course (CSUB course catalog). This 3-semester-unit course provides instruction and practice in assessing and
designing instruction for English Learners and students with special needs.
During the program, Multiple Subject candidates take EDEL 5100: Literacy and the Arts for Diverse Learners and Single Subject candidates take EDSE 5300: Literacy Across the Curriculum, which requires candidates to differentiate reading lessons for a variety of diverse learners ( Multiple Subject course catalog and Single Subject course catalog). In addition, Multiple and Single Subject candidates demonstrate knowledge of supporting students in developing English language skills in the Teaching Performance Assessments. Multiple subject candidates demonstrate knowledge of supporting students in developing English Language skills on the Reading Instruction Competency Assessment.
4. Undergraduate Student Enrollment
Undergraduate students of any campus of the California State University or the University of California shall be allowed to enroll in any professional preparation course. Reference: Education Code Section 44320 (a).
Clarification of Program Precondition 4
Program Precondition 4 does not mean that a public institution must make it possible for a candidate to complete all requirements for a baccalaureate degree and a preliminary credential in four years of full-time study or the equivalent.
Undergraduate students are allowed to enroll in the prerequisite early field experience course and the foundational courses prior to program application or admission. Undergraduate students are allowed to
enroll in credential program coursework upon admission to the credential program (Credential Office FAQs). We understand the CSU requirement to allow qualified undergraduate students to
enroll in any of our Multiple or single subject preparation courses. All of our preparation
courses have a clinical practice requirement. If an undergraduate student has taken
the foundational and prerequisite courses, they may submit all requirements for clinical
practice placement and be enrolled in professional preparation courses (letter from Dean RodrÍguez).
5. Program Admission
The sponsor of a multiple or single subject preliminary teacher preparation program assesses each candidate's standing in relation to required subject matter preparation during the admissions process. The program admits only those candidates who meet one of the following criteria. Reference: Education Code Sections 44227 (a).
- The candidate provides evidence of having passed the appropriate subject matter examination(s).
- The candidate provides evidence of having attempted the appropriate subject matter examinations(s).
- The candidate provides evidence of registration for the next scheduled examination.
- The candidate provides evidence of having completed a Commission-approved appropriate subject matter preparation program.
- The candidate provides evidence of continuous progress toward meeting the subject matter requirement.
- The candidate provides evidence of enrollment in an organized subject matter examination
preparation program.
An admissions committee meets on a regular basis to review applications to the Multiple
and Single Subject Credential Programs (MS/SS Application). The program only admits candidates who provide evidence of subject matter competency
as designated by passing the California Subject Examination for Teachers (CSET) or
submitting official documentation of completing a subject matter waiver program from
a CTC-approved program. Candidates in integrated programs can be admitted if they
demonstrate continuous progress towards meeting the subject matter requirement (CSUB Liberal Studies).
COVID-19 accommodations for program admission were in place for Fall 2020 and Spring 2021 (Information Session PowerPoint)
CSUB offered COVID-19 basic skills requirement accommodations for Fall 2021 applicants (CSUB COVID-19 Accommodations).
Precondition 5- Please provide clear evidence that the institution "...only admits candidates who provide evidence of subject matter competency...."
The admission and application document has been updated to reflect the preconditions listed for SMC. Please see the link below for the updated document.
6. Subject Matter Proficiency
The approved preliminary teacher preparation program sponsor determines that each candidate meets the subject matter requirement prior to student teaching, or, for intern candidates, before being given daily whole class instructional responsibilities in a K-12 school or before becoming the teacher of record in a K-12 school. Reference: Education Code Sections 44259 (b) (5).
- For Multiple and Single Subject programs (traditional and intern), the candidate provides evidence of having passed the appropriate subject matter examination(s) or having completed the appropriate Commission-approved subject matter preparation program, or a course of study deemed equivalent by the program sponsor.
- For integrated undergraduate programs only, the candidate must be monitored by the
program for subject matter competency both prior to beginning and during early field
experiences. Each candidate in an integrated undergraduate program must have satisfied
subject matter or at a minimum completed four-fifths of the Commission- approved subject
matter preparation program prior to beginning solo student teaching.
The Multiple and Single Subject program faculty and staff ensure all candidates meet
subject matter proficiency prior to student teaching. For the Multiple Subject program,
the candidate must submit evidence of passing the Multiple Subject California Subject
Examination for Teachers (CSET) exam or submit a subject matter waiver verification
from a CTC-approved waiver program. For the Single Subject program, the candidates
must submit evidence of passing the appropriate Single Subject CSET exam or 100% subject
matter competency from a CTC-approved waiver program.
Candidates are notified of the requirement on Program Fact sheets and in Information Sessions (Multiple Subject Fact Sheet and Single Subject Fact Sheet) Candidate progress is tracked by program evaluators via the University Student HRM system, PeopleSoft. CSUB is happy to provide access to PeopleSoft on site. Program faculty and staff have access to candidate files for verification of subject matter proficiency prior to placement for solo teaching. The admissions advisor records test scores and completion when scores or official paperwork is submitted. The placement coordinator verifies subject matter competency prior to securing student teaching placements each term.
COVID-19 accommodations for program admission were in place for Fall 2020 and Spring 2021 (Information Session PowerPoint)
CSUB offered COVID-19 basic skills requirement accommodations for Fall 2021 applicants (CSUB COVID-19 Accommodations).
7. Completion of Requirements
A college or university or school district that operates a program for the Preliminary Multiple or Single Subject Credential shall determine, prior to recommending a candidate for the credential, that the candidate meets all legal requirements for the credential, including but not limited to: Reference: Education Code Sections 44259 (b) and 44283 (b) (8).
- Possession of a baccalaureate or higher degree for Preliminary Multiple Subject credential candidates, and for Preliminary Single Subject candidates, possession of a baccalaureate degree in a subject other than in professional education from a regionally accredited institution
- Completion of Basic Skills Requirement
- Completion of an accredited professional preparation program
- Completion of the subject matter requirement
- Demonstration of knowledge of the principles and provisions of the Constitution of the United States
- Passage of the Teaching Performance Assessment
- Passage of the Reading Instruction Competence Assessment (RICA) (for Multiple Subject candidates)
Candidates are evaluated to determine that all requirements have been successfully
completed prior to recommendation for a preliminary credential. Requirements include
the following: Bachelor's degree or higher from a regionally-accredited college or
university; CA Basic Skills Requirement; 100% subject matter competency by passage
of the appropriate CSET exam(s) or completion of a Commission-approved subject matter
program; successful completion of the teacher preparation program including student
teaching with a minimum 3.0 GPA; passage of all Teacher Performance Assessments (CalTPA);
U.S. Constitution course; RICA (multiple subject only); Computer Technology; and CPR
(infant, child, and adult certification) (Multiple Subject Program Plan, Single Subject Program Plan, and Application Checklist).