Title IX Implementation
Following a yearlong, CSU-commissioned assessment of Title IX and Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation (DHR) programs, the Cozen O'Connor Group on July 17, 2023 made public its report identifying core observations and recommendations for improvements at the system level and a at all 23 campuses, including CSU Bakersfield.
The safety of the campus community is a top priority. CSU Bakersfield is committed to improving its services and resources in response to recommendations of the Cozen Report.
Next Steps: Title IX Implementation Team
Moving forward, CSU Bakersfield has assembled an Implementation Team to support the implementation of Cozen O'Connor's recommendations on on this campus. This website will serve as a source of regular updates from the Implementation Team.
Implementation Team Charge
The Implementation Teams will give input and feedback to the Title IX coordinator and DHR administrator as they design and plan steps to implement Cozen O’Connor’s recommendations to ensure that the recommended action steps are appropriately informed by the perspectives of campus community stakeholders. After the president approves the action steps, the Implementation Team will work to ensure that implementation is consistent with agreed-upon timelines, the goals of the assessment and campus culture.
The Implementation Teams will also help develop a formal communications plan designed to keep each university community apprised of the implementation process and status. Implementation Team members shall review communications to ensure that they are clear, accessible and that they address the needs of community stakeholders. Strategic and effective communication is paramount, especially in light of the institutional mistrust expressed to Cozen O’Connor by many members of our university communities. The frequency and methods of communications to the university community should be thoughtfully planned, and the substance of the communications themselves should be accessible and easily comprehensible by a wide audience.
Marcus Brown | Executive Director of Equity, Inclusion and Compliance | Division of Equity, Inclusion and Compliance | Office of the President | Co-Chair |
Jorge Villatoro | Assistant Director for Equity, Inclusion and Compliance | Division of Equity, Inclusion and Compliance | Office of the President | Member |
Emily Callahan | Assistant Vice President and Dean of Students for Student Affairs | Dean of Students | Member |
Dr. Deborah Boschini | Associate Vice President for Faculty Affairs | Office of the Provost | Member |
Dr. Hilda Nieblas | Director of Student Housing | Student Housing and Residential Life | Member |
Erin Pruitt | ASI President & CEO | Associated Students, Inc. | Member |
Dr. Melissa Danforth | Chair, Academic Senate/Faculty Representative | Academic Senate | Member |
Andrew Dickenson | Associate Athletic Director for Academic Services/Title IX Liaison | Athletics | Member |
Lori Blodorn | Vice President of Division for People and Culture | Human Resources | Member |
Sue McCarthy | Systemwide TIX Compliance Officer & Senior Director, Systemwide TIX Compliance Services | Office of the Chancellor | Liaison |
Arthur Smith | Assistant Director of Marketing & Fan Engagement/Staff Representative | Athletics | Member |
Campus Communications
From: Equity, Inclusion and Compliance | diversity@csub.edu
To: Campus Staff; Campus Faculty; Campus Students
Dear Campus Community,
With appreciation for your candid feedback and ongoing engagement, I am pleased to update you on our continued efforts to nurture and strengthen our culture of caring, safety, belonging and respect at CSUB.
As part of a systemwide effort across our 23 California State University campuses, the Cozen O’Connor Institutional Response Group has assessed how we respond to reports and incidents of discrimination and harassment. The full written report of the systemwide Cozen O’Connor assessment, including a summary and a separate report concerning CSUB, can now be found on the CSU’s Commitment to Change website. You will find a dropdown menu with individual campus report links on the website. In addition, later this week, we will post the CSUB report on the webpage of the Division of Equity, Inclusion and Compliance.
Through a series of interviews, campus visits, survey results and email feedback, Cozen O’Connor has identified core observations for improvements at both the system and university levels. The recommendations from this assessment will guide and help us improve our Title IX and Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation (DHR) training, awareness, prevention, intervention, compliance and support systems.
With these important findings now in hand, we are taking steps to advance Cozen’s recommendations. Key areas of focus and action over the months to come will include:
- Expanding awareness of the protections, resources and reporting opportunities available to students, faculty and staff when they experience harassment, discrimination or unacceptable conduct.
- Bringing together key stakeholders from around campus who represent students, faculty and staff to serve as an implementation for the Cozen recommendations.
- Adding resources, including staff and technological systems, to increase responsiveness.
- Continuing the engagement with our entire community on this vital topic that the Cozen process initiated.
A second report, issued by the California State Auditor and expected to be released tomorrow via its website, will focus on the consistency and timeliness in which campuses respond to sexual harassment allegations and whether the CSU has adequate systemwide policies and procedures in place for preventing, directing and addressing sexual harassment. As with the Cozen report, CSUB will review the recommendations and look for opportunities to improve.
Our ambitious goals will require substantial planning, additional resources, and personnel, and will be accomplished in stages. We will continue to share our progress and specific plans as they are developed and evolve.
Thank you again for helping to ensure CSUB is a safe and inclusive place, where all of us can thrive.
Claudia Catota, J.D.
Chief Diversity Officer & Special Assistant to the President
Copy of Email to CampusAttachment - CSUB Cozen O'Connor Report
From: Equity, Inclusion and Compliance | diversity@csub.edu
To: Campus Staff; Campus Faculty; Campus Students
Dear, Campus Community—
Please see the attached communication from the CSU Chancellor’s Office regarding the completion of the Cozen O’Connor Systemwide Title IX and DHR Assessment.
She/her/ella (why pronouns matter)
Chief Diversity Officer & Special Assistant to the President
Division of Equity, Inclusion, & Compliance (Office of the President)
Copy of Email to Campus
Sent: December 21, 2022
From: Equity, Inclusion and Compliance | diversity@csub.edu
To: Campus Staff; Campus Faculty; Campus Students
Dear, Campus Community—
Please see the attached letters from Interim CSU Chancellor Jolene Koester and Acting Vice President for Human Resources Leora Freedman regarding the Cozen O’Connor systemwide Title IX Assessment.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at ccatota@csub.edu.
Wishing you a safe holiday season.
She/her/ella (why pronouns matter)
Chief Diversity Officer & Special Assistant to the President
Division of Equity, Inclusion, & Compliance (Office of the President)
Copy of Email to Campus
Attachment 1/2 - An Update re Cozen Systemwide Assessment - Final
Attachment 2/2 - Cozen Assessment_Opportunities to share feedback with Cozen and learn
Cozen O'Connor Report FAQ
In March 2022, the CSU Board of Trustees, in response to troubling reports of sexual harassment and other misconduct, commissioned the Institutional Response Group of the Cozen O’Connor law firm to conduct a comprehensive, systemwide independent assessment of the CSU’s implementation of Title IX and other anti-discrimination programs.
The assessment, the largest and most comprehensive review of its kind, included visits to all 23 CSU campuses and the Chancellor’s Office and feedback from more than 18,000 students, staff, and faculty. Its goal was to strengthen the culture in the workplace and the classroom so that it is better aligned with the CSU’s core values. The assessment considered current practices and provided insights, recommendations and resources to advance the CSU's Title IX and DHR training, awareness, prevention, intervention, compliance and support systems, as well as campus culture and climate.
On July 17, 2023, the Cozen group made public its report, which includes individual reports for each of the 23 campuses, including CSU Bakersfield.
Title IX is a federal law that requires educational institutions receiving funds to address discrimination and harassment based on sex. This law factors into CSUB’s policies on investigating and providing resources for anyone who has experienced sexual exploitation, sexual misconduct (including sexual battery and rape), dating or domestic violence, and stalking.
DHR stands for discrimination, harassment and retaliation.