Interested in applying to TRIO ETS?
Program Requirements
- Students must attend one of the target area schools. We also service students with disabilities and McKinney Vento youth, as well as veterans.
- Be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
- Have completed the fifth grade.
- Be between the ages of 11-27.
- Have a demonstrated academic and financial need.
- Have a desire and show potential to attend a postsecondary institution and need the program services offered to accomplish your educational goals.
TRIO Application
To apply, please carefully read and complete each section of the attached PDF. Incomplete applications will delay processing and student services. Once you have completed your application and signed with both student and parent/guardian signature, submit your application to the TRIO Advisor, HS counselor or HS career tech at your participating school. The application can also be mailed to the following address:
~ California State University, Bakersfield, Educational Talent Search Program, Mailstop: 23 AE, 9001 Stockdale Highway, Bakersfield, CA 93311