The very core of every Gamma Phi Beta’s experience is the bonds and connections that are made through joining a chapter. The Delta Phi chapter is a perfect example where life long bonds and friendships are formed.

Bigs and Littles
One of the most exciting moments is when two sisters find an especially strong bond. This is the lifelong bond between the Big and Little sister. When you meet your big sister, you are welcomed into a "family" of other sisters. You are able to establish a family full of love, labor, learning, and loyalty. Big sisters give advice, a helping hand, and support in tough times. They are a mentor, best friend and a support system as strong as the rock we were founded upon. Little sisters bring memories, lots of laughs, and love beyond compare. This is a bond that stays alive after college is over.

Every quarter our chapter takes a break from things for a weekend to spend a few days of close sisterly bonding. Whether we are camping in the woods, having adventures at a lake, or relaxing at a beach; it is guaranteed that a retreat with sisters is the perfect place to make long lasting memories and strengthen sisterly bonds. Our sisters are always going to fun and exciting places together such as concerts, beach trips and so much more. Every time G Phi's get together new memories are always being made.

Chapter members participate in a variety of different socials throughout the year. Socials include meet and greets with other organization on campus, dances and other fun events.

Greek Week
Every Spring Quarter and Cal State all of the seven Greek sorority and fraternities compete against each other in a week of fun and games. These activities include house building, skit and dance, and games that add up to a Greek Week Champion. This last spring quarter Gamma Phi Beta proudly won first place and is excited and ready for next year’s Greek Week!

Giving back to the community and our campus is very important to the Gamma Phi Beta organization. As Gamma Phi’s our sole focus is building strong girls. International Gamma Phi Beta has partnered with Girls on the Run and Campfire USA to help foster growth for young girls. The Delta Phi Chapter hosts an annual Crescent Classic to raise money for these organizations to fund events to help young girls achieve their goals. We also participate in monthly philanthropies that include Relay for Life, the CSUB Dance Marathon and volunteering at local elementary schools.