Don't count the days, Make the days count!
HEP Eligibility Criteria
The High School Equivalency Program helps migratory and seasonal agricultural workers and their immediate family members who are 16 years of age or older and not currently enrolled in school to obtain the equivalent of a high school credential and subsequently to gain employment or begin post-secondary education or a vocational training.
Individuals are eligible for HEP if they meet one of the following criteria:
- They or their immediate family members have engaged in seasonal agricultural work for 75 days within the last 24 months
- They are eligible or current participants in the - Migrant Education Program
- They are current participants in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)
- Formerly known as - Workforce Investment Act 167 (WIA 167) Program
Spanish Ley de Inversión en la Fuerza Laboral (WIA)
- Formerly known as - Workforce Investment Act 167 (WIA 167) Program
What would be considered agricultural or farmwork activities?
- tree farms
- nurseries
- fish farms
- cultivation or harvesting of vegetables, fruits or trees
- packing or sorting of vegetables, fruits or similar establishments
- production of crops, dairy products, poultry, or livestock
- dig and plant seeds, or transplant seedlings
- plowing, harrowing, cultivating, fertilizing, irrigating, pruning, thinning, and harvesting farm crops
NOTE: Eligibility is verified by HEP program staff. Each applicant is required to complete application and an entry exam (2-3 hours in length).
Campus Tour
Erika Montoya
-Class of 2012-
Contact Us
Main Phone: (661) 654-2707