KIE Directors Team

Interim Director; Associate Professor of Philosophy
Phone: 661-654-2314Email: nolson@csub.eduMore About Nate OlsonDr. Olson serves as Interim Director of the Kegley Institute of Ethics. Previously, he served as KIE Associate Director from 2017 to 2023.
He is also the Chair of the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies and Associate Professor of Philosophy. Dr. Olson teaches courses in both ethical theory and practical ethics, with a particular emphasis on ethical issues in professional life and the sciences. He believes ethics education works best when conversations cross disciplinary and community boundaries and enjoys fostering such conversations through his work with the KIE.
Much of Dr. Olson’s research has addressed issues in bioethics, including both research and clinical ethics. He serves on CSUB’s Institutional Review Board and is a member of the Dignity Health Memorial Hospital Ethics Committee.
Dr. Olson received his PhD in philosophy from Georgetown University, and prior to coming to CSUB, was a post-doctoral teaching fellow in the Thinking Matters program at Stanford University, where he also worked with the Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics.

Assistant Director; Associate Professor of Criminal Justice
Email: kmccullough1@csub.eduMore About Kallee McCulloughDr. Kallee McCullough earned her Ph.D. and M.A. in Criminal Justice and Criminology from Sam Houston State University, Texas. She enjoys teaching research methods, criminal law, and corrections. Dr. McCullough's primary research interests include procedural justice and legitimacy, criminal justice policy analysis, sentencing, and corrections. Her recent research examines the correlates of successful reentry among formerly imprisoned individuals, with emphasis on the perceived legitimacy of correctional authorities. Her work is published in peer-reviewed scholarly outlets, such as the Journal of Experimental Criminology, the Virginia Journal of Criminal Law, and the Journal of Criminal Justice. Dr. McCullough actively participates in local and CSUB organizations that focus on reducing the deleterious unintentional consequences of mass incarceration.