Minor in French
Course Descriptions
A minimum of 12 units of French coursework are needed for a minor in French, 9 of which must be at the 3000 level or above
Fall 2024 Courses
FREN 1000 French I
Beginning study of French designed for students with minimal or no experience in French. The main goal of this course is to begin to learn to speak, read, write, and comprehend spoken French at the novice-mid level. Special emphasis is placed on developing communication skills and on increasing awareness of cultures in the French-speaking world.
FREN 1001 French I Lab
1-unit co-requisite language laboratory to accompany FREN 1000.
FREN 1010 French II
Continuation of FREN 1000. This course continues to develop the student's ability to speak, read, write and comprehend spoken French. Students should achieve the novice-high skill level. Special emphasis is placed on developing communication skills and on increasing awareness of cultures in the French-speaking world. Prerequisite: FREN 1000 with grade of C- or better, placement, or consent of chair.
FREN 1011 French II Lab
1-unit co-requisite language laboratory to accompany FREN 1010.
Study in France!
Study oversees programs are also beneficial for all French minors and French majors, and are highly recommended as part of the major.
CSU-International Programs also offers 2 full-year study overseas programs in French at the Université de Provence in Aix-en-Provence at the Université de Paris in Paris. (See for additional options for study overseas in French speaking countries through the I.S.E.P. program).
Contact Us
Dr. Lena Taub Robles
Dr. Lena Taub Robles received her B.A. from the University of Puerto Rico - Río Piedras, she received her M.A. and Ph.D from State University of New York at Buffalo. She specializes in Comparative Caribbean Literature and Cultures. Her interests include Francophone Literature and Cinema, Diaspora Studies and Women’s Studies. Her teaching interests include French and Spanish language, Francophone studies and Caribbean literature in translation.
Contact Dr. Lena Taub Robles
Phone: (661) 654-2317
Email: ltaub@csub.edu