Labs and Equipment
NSME has a wide variety of cutting edge equipment and lab spaces where students can work alongside professors on important research. Here's a look at some of what we have to offer.
Scanning Electron Microscopy Labratory
- Hitachi S-3400N SEM with automated stage, Faraday cup, nano/pico ammeter, and environmental mode option
- Gatan Chroma live-time cathode luminescence imaging system
- Oxford INCA 7021 energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer
- Oxford INCA wavelength dispersive X-ray spectrometer
- IXEF XBeam 10mm X-ray fluorescence source
Sediment Analysis Laboratory
- UIC, Inc. Carbon Coulometer with acidifier and furnace modules for total organic and inorganic carbon analyses
- Costech elemental analyzer for high sensitivity H, C, O, N, S abundances
- Malvern Mastersizer laser granulometer for grain-size spectra100 nm to 2 mm dynamic grain-size range
Computer Mapping/Simulation Laboratory
- Industry standard petroleum engineering and geological interpretation software
- CMG software for reservoir simulations (hydrocarbons, steam, CO2)
- Petra, Petrel, Kingdom Suite, ARCInfo software for geological interpretation, 3-D modeling and volumetrics
Plant Physiology Laboratory
- Energy production/photosynthesis instrumentation
- Drought tolerance/water conduction
- Stem and leaf biomechanics testing
Mineral/Elemental Composition Laboratory
- PANalytical Empyrean Research X-Ray Diffractometer for mineral identification, including clay minerals
- Elan 6100 Series Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer with an automated carriage for multiple dissolution samples, a CETAC LSX200pluus laser ablation sampler and a Parr Microwave Digester for major and trace elemental composition of solids and waters at ppt sensitivity
Materials Testing Laboratory
- DAKE materials property testing equipment for stress, strain, Poisson's ratio, elasticity, rigidity, etc. up to 10,000 psi; 300 degrees F
California Well Sample Repository
- The only facility in California providing permanent storage and public use of cores, sidewall samples, drill cuttings, outcrop samples, microfaunal slides, foundation borings, and mineral suites
- Extensive catalogs on thousands of California oil, gas, water, and core well
Fab Lab
- An advanced digital fabrication laboratory that consists of a suite of fabrication and rapid prototyping machines, including a large CNC Router (or shopbot), a 3D desktop mill and scanner, a vinyl cutter, a laser cutter, an electronics work bench, a 3D printer, and the accompanying computers and software.
- For more, visit the Fab Lab's website