Building Marshal Program
Building Marshals are responsible for assisting in the safe and orderly evacuation of campus facilities and buildings in the event of a disaster, preventing re-entry, and reporting injuries and probable locations of trapped individuals to the University Police. Training provided to these individuals will aid in establishing search and rescue priorities. As disaster service workers, marshals have the authority to insure that buildings are evacuated and secured.
The responsibilities of the campus Building Marshal are four fold:
- When prompted by a drill or real emergency situation, assist in the orderly evacuation of the building population from the structure.
- Secure building entrances, direct personnel to the designated collection points, and deny re-entry until informed by the University Police that it is safe to do so.
- Report building status to University Police at established locations (i.e., fully evacuated, location of trapped or injured individuals, etc...)
- Assist as directed in other emergency response activity.
If you would like additional information or would be interested in becoming a Marshal, contact the Police Department at (661) 654-2677.
Emergency Alert System
As part of ongoing efforts to improve communication in case of an emergency, California State University, Bakersfield has implemented a campus-wide emergency alert system. The initiative consists of two mass notification systems:
- A system that allows the University to send time-sensitive notifications via voice, e-mail and text messaging in the event of an emergency on campus.
- An external public address system that allows the University to broadcast specific guidance information campus-wide in the case of an emergency.
How It Works
In the event of an emergency that threatens the lives and/or property of the campus community, the following will be sent as quickly as the situation allows:
- A voice message will be sent to the phone number you provide
- An e-mail message will be sent to the e-mail address you provide
- A text message will be sent to the mobile phone number you provide
Additional information and updates will be distributed through the CSUB website, university e-mail and phone system, campus emergency hotline, departmental phone trees, and building marshals, and through social media channels.
Other than an occasional test of the system, CSUB Alert will be used only to contact you in case of a very serious incident or situation, a University closing, or some other event that requires rapid, wide-scale notification to the community. Examples of such events would be a campus shooting, bomb threat, hazardous materials spill, flood, earthquake, or fire.
Stay Up to Date!
Make sure we can contact you in case of dangerous campus situations or other emergencies!
Login to myCSUB to update your Contact Information.
Emergency Preparedness - Disabled Considerations
In the event of evacuation due to fire, earthquake, or other hazardous incident, all disabled persons should move toward the nearest exit.
A wheelchair occupant or other disabled person may attempt to use an elevator, EXCEPT
IN CASE OF FIRE OR EARTHQUAKE. If you, as a wheelchair occupant or other disabled
person, encounter an obstacle or obstruction such as a stairway or debris from falling
objects, request the assistance of others in the area.
Wheelchair occupants or other disabled persons should, when possible, prepare for
emergencies ahead of time by instructing a classmate or instructor on how best to
assist you in case of an emergency. If assistance is not immediately available, the
wheelchair occupant or other disabled person should remain in the exit corridor or
on a stairwell landing and call for help until rescue assistance arrives. Persons
who cannot speak loudly should carry a whistle or use other means to attract attention
for assistance.
Visually impaired persons should learn their locations in advance and seek assistance as required in any emergency.
All Building Marshals receive an initial half-day training that covers the following:
- Overview of campus emergency management structure and policies
- Evacuation procedures and guidelines
- Disaster psychology
- Active shooter response
- Earthquake preparedness and response
- Fire prevention and response
- Personal preparedness
- Assisting individuals with access or functional needs during an emergency
If you would like additional information or would be interested in becoming a Marshal:
Contact: James Morrison-CSUB Emergency Coordinator
Desk: (661) 654-5442