Dr. Dwayne Cantrell is the Associate Vice President of Enrollment Management at California
State University, Bakersfield. The Division of Enrollment consists of 12 departments
which attract, admit, enroll, retain, and graduate students and is committed to providing
access and support for success. For nearly 30 years, Dr. Cantrell has held a variety
of leadership roles within both K-12 and higher educational institutions, including
three of the four systems of higher education in California. Prior to his arrival
at CSUB, Dr. Cantrell served for 10 years at California State University, Northridge
where he provided leadership and strategic direction for programs and services that
supported access and student success from the point of application for admission to
graduation from the campus. He also maintained an active role in teaching, publishing
and presenting on a variety of issues related to leadership, student development,
team building and personal growth. For the past 11 years, Dr. Cantrell has been an
active leader and member of the Bakersfield community and currently serves as the
Senior Pastor of Living Victory Church. Dr. Cantrell holds an Ed.D. in Educational
Leadership and Policy Studies from CSU Northridge, a Doctor of Theology degree from
Summit Bible College, a M.A. in Theology from Fuller Theological Seminary, and an
M.A. in Education with an emphasis on counseling and student personnel from San Jose
State University.
Dr. Sean Wempe is an Associate Professor in the History Department at CSUB. He specializes
in and teaches on the histories of modern Germany, European imperialism in Africa,
internationalism, and the history of public health. Dr. Wempe is also a content editor
and is building a curriculum for primary and secondary students in the European Union
on the history of pandemics as part of the Historiana project. His current research
projects include working on what he intends to be his third book, which will examine
German and British interference in League of Nations international narcotics regulations
in the 1920s and 1930s, an article on the 1997 Dahlem Conference concerning the standards
for and feasibility of the eradication of infectious diseases, and a number of articles
on League of Nations' efforts to combat Rinderpest, Malaria, and Sleeping sickness
in the Mandates in Africa in the 1920s and 1930s analyzing the intersections of public
health, imperialism, and internationalism.
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