SSJVIC Inventory
The SSJVIC maintains two types of inventory:
1. Archaeology Inventory (Access Restricted)
Archaeological resources are non-renewable and easily damaged—their legal significance or scientific, ethno-cultural, and aesthetic values can be impaired by disturbance. Access to this information is restricted, therefore, to prevent vandalism and artifact hunting, and to protect landowners from trespass. Those granted access to the archaeological archives of the Information Center (see Section III of the CHRIS Information Center Rules of Operation Manual) has been approved as confidential Authorized Users under an executed CHRIS Information Access and Use Agreement, whereby they agree to keep site content and location information confidential by not disclosing it to unauthorized individuals or including it in publicly-distributed documents. (California Government Code Section §7927.005 exempts archaeological sites from the California Public Records Act requiring that public records be open to public inspection.)
Access to Resource Records and Study Reports is restricted to these individuals under the following conditions:
- Historical Resources Consultants, must be cleared as a confidential Authorized User under an active CHRIS Information Access and Use Agreement. They must agree to share the results of their study with the SSJVIC. Consultants working on paid projects are charged an hourly fee for access to all historical resources data, whether research is conducted in person or by SSJVIC staff. Facility access by consultants is provided by scheduled appointments only.
- Landowners who wish to know about archaeological sites (this is provided only for sites on your property) must confirm their request in writing along with proof of ownership (such as a deed or current tax statement which clearly links their name with an Assessor's Parcel Map depicting property boundaries), a signed CHRIS Access Agreement Short Form, and a Vicinity Map depicting the parcel in a larger context. If the landowner elects to have a representative, in addition to the above, that person must also retain a letter from the landowner authorizing the release of information to said representative. Fees may apply.
- Scholars should bring a signed CHRIS Access Agreement Short Form, a confirmation of their affiliation such as a résumé or student identification card, and if applicable, a letter from the supervising professor describing the project on which they are working. Access is considered scholarly if the individual is working on an unpaid project, such as a term paper, a graduate document, or a professional presentation. In general there is no access fee when research is conducted in person (other fees apply). There is an access fee, however, if research is conducted by SSJVIC staff.
2. Built Environment (Access Unrestricted)
The SSJVIC's built environment library is currently unrestricted. Users must either be cleared as an Authorized User under an active CHRIS Information Access and Use Agreement or bring a signed CHRIS Access Agreement Short Form. The public is encouraged to make use of the SSJVIC's extensive built environment database in order to learn more about the history of their community. In general, there is no access charge for this research (other fees apply). Historical Resources Consultants, working on paid projects, however are charged an hourly access fee, whether research is conducted in person or by SSJVIC staff.
The Built Environment Resource Directory (BERD) can be accessed at no charge on the OHP website. The Information Centers may have resource records and reports for built-environment resources that may not appear in current releases of the BERD. If you are engaged in state or federal compliance related activities, we recommend you check both the CHRIS Inventory as well as the associated eligibility directories (one for the built environment and one for archaeological resource) for a complete picture of potential resources within your project area and the surrounding search radius. Note that absence of a resource on these lists does not mean the resource is not historically significant. Rather, it merely means the OHP does not have that resource in its inventory. There is no "universal" minimum age for important cultural resources; the passage of time allows for a clearer perspective on and understanding of the resource. In general, buildings or structures 45 years of age or older are more likely than newer buildings or structures to have historical importance. Any buildings and structures 45 years of age or older in the project area may require documentation and/or assessment by a professionally qualified historic preservation consultant.