Finance Data Warehouse Basic Reporting
The Finance Data Warehouse is a reporting data warehouse for the CSU's finance information. The Finance Data Warehouse includes an interactive web-based interface, dashboards of related reports, and other features to assist you in creating reports and managing your budget.
A data warehouse is a central repository (database) of summary data, raw data, and metadata. Summary data represents aggregated data for specific areas, such as funds or accounts. Raw data represents the transactional or other information necessary to decompose aggregated data or provide detail. Metadata is data about the data.
Training Sessions
Session Aim:
To teach you basic financial management concepts and basic operations for running and customizing reports, saving your customizations, and exporting data to Excel.
Session Objectives:
- Distinguish between our financial system and reporting environment
- Recognize basic financial management terms and best practices
- Navigate to a report using different dashboards
- Save customized reports and default settings for dashboards
- Run different reports using the 5 step process
- Select report filters based on your stateside fund, non-stateside fund, grant, or project
- Refine reports by applying more filters
- Apply different report views
- Drill down on activity for more detail
- Distinguish ProCard Transaction from other transactions
- Enhance reports by adding subtotals and excluding columns
- Export data to Excel
- Find assistance on budget information
Session Handouts:
Other Information
Get granular with your financial information
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