Research Opportunities

Undergraduate research is an excellent way to get some hands-on chemistry experience and see if it’s right for you. Often, you can get course credit or a small stipend for hours spent working in the research lab. Several faculty members in the Chemistry Department at CSUB conduct research with undergraduate students. To apply for a position, complete the application for undergraduate student researchers and submit it (along with your resume) to the faculty member you are interested in working with.
Faculty, Research Areas, and Position Availability
Faculty | Area | Research Position Availability |
Jesse Bergkamp | Organic Chemistry | Contact Dr. Bergkamp for availability |
Sarah Forester | Food Chemistry | Contact Dr. Forester for availability |
Andreas Gebauer | Inorganic Chemistry | Contact Dr. Gebauer for availability |
Roy LaFever | Biochemistry | Contact Dr. LaFever for availability |
Karlo Lopez | Biochemistry | Contact Dr. Lopez for availability |
Hanoz Santoke | Physical Chemistry | Contact Dr. Santoke for availability |
Danielle Solano | Organic Chemistry | Apply by: early May for summer, early Dec for winter |
Lance Talbert | Analytical Chemistry | Contact Dr. Talbert for availability |

Equipment & Resources
Students in the CSUB Chemistry Department have access to a virtual alphabet soup of state-of-the-art scientific instruments. The chemistry department has purchased several new instruments and upgrades in the last several years: an ICP-MS, a Shimadzu GC-MS with direct probe and CI options, a research grade Nicolet FT-IR spectrometer, a research grade Shimadzu gradient-HPLC with autosampler, a few new UV-vis spectrophotometers, and a Bruker Avance III 400 MHz Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectrometer that allows remote operation. This new equipment is on top of what the department already had: a GC-MS, an FT-IR, an HPLC, UV-vis spectrophotometers, and a walk in freezer. Other resources utilized by our students include two greenhouses (one with entirely computerized environmental controls), a PC lab, Mac lab, and UNIX computer lab.
Research & Internship Opportunities Off Campus
Looking for a research or internship off campus? Start by searching Get Experience, a free, searchable online database developed by ACS to help students find experience opportunities in chemistry. It contains information on research experiences, internships, co-ops, and other chemistry-related opportunities for undergraduate chemistry students. Another great resource is the catalog of biomedical research internships which is updated by the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. Also explore the listings posted below.
You can stay up to date on these and other research opportunities by following us on Facebook.
Chemistry Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (Chem-SURF)
The Chem-SURF Program at the University of California, Irvine (UCI), provides a 10-week
summer research opportunity for undergraduates to become fully immersed in challenging,
cutting-edge, exciting, and transformative interdisciplinary research projects in
the fields of chemical biology, chemical physics, computer science, molecular biology,
nanoscience, pharmaceutical sciences, pharmacology, and analytical, atmospheric, biochemistry,
bioinorganic, bioorganic, computational, environmental, inorganic, materials, organic,
physical, polymer, surface and theoretical chemistry.
DHS HS-STEM Summer Internship Program
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) sponsors a 10-week summer internship
program for rising juniors and seniors majoring in homeland security related science,
technology, engineering and mathematics (HS-STEM) disciplines. The DHS HS-STEM Summer
Internship Program provides students with the opportunity to conduct research in DHS
mission-relevant research areas at federal research facilities located across the
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center (Fred Hutch) Summer Undergraduate Research
Program (SURP)
The Summer Undergraduate Research Program (SURP) is an intensive, nine-week internship
designed to provide research experience and mentorship for undergraduate students
who are interested in biomedical research. Under the guidance of a faculty mentor,
interns will complete an independent research project and present their findings at
a competitive poster session.
Nebraska Summer Research Program
The Nebraska Summer Research Program offers research opportunities in the science,
technology, engineering, and mathematics fields in addition to an interdisciplinary
Minority Health Disparities program aimed at conducting cutting edge social and behavioral
research into understanding and reducing health disparities and in diversifying minority
health researchers. A complete listing of faculty mentors and research project descriptions
can be found on their website. Students can also find information about program benefits
including a competitive stipend, room and board, travel expenses, and more.
Pediatric Oncology Education (POE) program at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
The POE program offers a unique opportunity for pre-doctoral students preparing for
careers in the biomedical sciences, medicine, and pharmacy to gain biomedical and
oncology research experience. Students participate in basic or clinical oncology research,
research and clinical conferences, and a core lecture series designed specifically
for them. A primary goal of the program is to encourage students to pursue a career
in cancer research, either as a laboratory-based scientist or a physician scientist.
Thus, qualified students with an interest in cancer research are particularly encouraged
to apply.
SCI Scholars - Industrial Internships for Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Undergraduates
The program is a joint effort of the Society of Chemical Industry (SCI) America International
Group, the American Chemical Society (ACS), and the American Institute of Chemical
Engineers (AIChE), and was developed to introduce chemistry and chemical engineering
students to careers in the chemical industry. Exceptional sophomores and juniors with
a GPA of at least 3.5 and who are majoring in chemistry or chemical engineering are
encouraged to apply. SCI Scholars receive $6,000-$10,000+ for a ten-week internship.
Students will be awarded a certificate and an additional $1,000, which can be used
for any purpose, such as participation at an ACS or AIChE meeting.
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Student Internship Program (SIP)
Student employees in the USDA SIP gain valuable professional experience as an assistant
in scientific, professional, technical, and/or administrative areas. The internship
opportunity could be a paid or unpaid internship and gives students insight into considering
a future career with USDA. Annually USDA employs thousands of students nationwide
throughout our 7 Mission Areas, 17 agencies and 14 offices.

CSUB undergraduate chemistry researchers are strongly encouraged to talk to your research advisor about attending the conferences listed below. These conferences are great opportunities to network with other chemistry students and talk to potential employers and graduate programs.
American Chemical Society (ACS) National Meetings
ACS holds two national meetings annually, one in the spring (March/April) and one
in late summer (usually August). Abstract submission usually occurs well in advance
of the meeting date (5-6 months).
American Chemical Society (ACS) Regional Meetings
ACS also holds several smaller, regional meetings that occur. Often these meetings
have much later abstract submission deadlines and typically at least one can be found
that is closer to home.
CSU Program for Education and Research in Biotechnology (CSUPERB)
CSUPERB holds a symposium every year (usually in winter) for faculty and student researchers
in the CSU system. CSUPERB also administers several awards and grants, including student
travel grants.
SACNAS National Conference
The Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) National
Conference is one of the largest annual gatherings of minority scientists in the country,
the interdisciplinary, inclusive, and interactive SACNAS National Conference motivates
and inspires. It features professional & leadership development sessions, networking
and mentoring events, cultural activities & performances, in addition to scientific
symposia sessions. Held annually every fall.
Southern California Conferences for Undergraduate Research (SCCUR)
SCCUR is hosted by a different Southern California School each year, and is typically
held in the fall.
Student Researchers Competition (SRC) and Student Researchers Poster Competition (SRC-Poster)
The CSU Bakersfield Office of Grants, Research, and Sponsored Programs hosts SRC (usually
in winter) and SRC-Poster (usually in spring) on campus each year. Winners of the
the campus SRC go on to compete at the statewide competition.
Western Spectroscopy Association Conference (WSAC)
WSAC is specifically for those with an interest in spectroscopy, optics, and related
Contact Us

Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry
California State University, Bakersfield
9001 Stockdale Highway #62
Bakersfield, CA 93311-1022
(661) 654-2030| Email:
Location: Science II Building - Maps